Thursday, September 23, 2010

Family celebration

Last Tuesday was adik's birthday precious baby is now 2 years old ...rasa cam kejap jer dulu he came to stay with me ...dia kan stay with me here since he was 1 month old dah besar budak comel nie ...bangun pepagi aku dah nyanyi kat dia ...he was waiting depan tangga masa aku nak turun kerja ....sempat le posing sana sini dulu ...

my fav photo of the birthday boy ...muka baru bangun tido ...masih in pyjamas lagi ...

aku dah agak dah aku akan balik lambat that evening ..sebab tu aku buat contigency plan siap2 ..i told my mum to ask my brother to get the cakes and food if aku lambat dreaded, aku punya meeting start at 4.30 (original plan was 12 noon) ...atas masalah teknikal ...but aku managed to get out of the meeting by 7pm ...sampai rumah kol 7.30 ..and everyone was waiting for me ...

It was just us ...Jane takde kat sini, dia outstation it was just a small celebration

Adik punya birthday, tapi si abang yang beriya2 nak tiup candles and nak potong kek ...jenuh aki and nenek nak jaga ...hehehe berebut2 ...and adik has really grown ...tapi nampak lagi kurus compared to masa kecik2 dulu ...gambar kat bawah nie was taken a year ago ...on his first birthday ...

Budak nie dah mula menunjukkan kenakalan nyer ...2-3 ari nie dah pandai conteng dinding ....pandai plak tu...buat masa aku takde!!!  Walau apa pun ...happy birthday adik ...we all love you!


Liz Duan said...

very cute toddler!

Ejin said...

hehehe thanks Liz ....

fendifid said...

cara dia merenung tu...seperti tengah berfikir...apa lagi nak di sepahkan ni.