Hi there....we are down to the last day of Ramadhan.....I need to mention that i look highly on those people who feel the pinch as the end of Ramadhan is here again...those chosen people would berberat hati to leave Ramadhan...for Ramadhan is full of barakah when pahala is on "Sales" ...I just told my son today, we always hope we know when is the end of the world or the day that we will meet our creator but Allah told us about Lailatul Qadar and its exceptional barakah to human but what do we do ??? ...Too little to mention...and I always wonder when in millions years would I be there like those chosen ones...i pray in silence to Allah...please lead me d way...but Hidayah bukan untuk di nanti tapi untuk kita mencari...God helps me~
So Syawal datang lagi......(1) glad that we have this break to breakaway from our routine..
(2)looking forward for the family gathering..have not meeting my aunts and uncle for quite a while..I think the last time I went down to JB was last raya?..but I did meet them during one of my SG trips...my mom last meeting was June..so about 2 months..I should also be thankful for my mom's undersatnding on my yearly routine..i have never celebrated raya pertama with my mom n family...Of course as a mother, the best is to have everybody under one roof at certain point of time so for her to accomodate and not saying much about my routine is a blessing...
(3) The chance to mintak ampun from all....
(4) Food...and food...and..food
5) Last but not least - JPO - OK I AM BACK AGAIN...ha..ha.. by d way Bell kata it is so cheap...burberry versace what not semua 50% from KL ...takut akak dengar those brands..ha..ha..
Oh yes...Please remember 6 Syawal is my birthday according to the Islamic Calendar...so jangan lupa wish me "happy birthday"...okay :)
Yang sebenarnya, I am writing to update my "persediaan hari raya"...mukadimmah punya panjang...ha..ha..
Ok ok the full me is back again...tadi spirit lain menjelma ...I ahve done d kemas2 rumah...but most bibiklah buat like..cleaning d fans, lamps...mopping..sweeping..buang sawang and what not...tukar alas katil etc...and we are down to packing....
So last Monday I ahve started my packing...something paling bercinta if u know what i mean..first need to decide how many days of travelling...then the agenda /activity for the day lah...then choosing d right outfit...tak kan pakai seluar pendek pulak...
by the way..last time during my banking era lah kan , if i did some makan2 like raya and so on...i told my chinese friend please lah dont come with shorts ..it is so inappropriate..menghormati majlis is a must...kalau gi beach fine and kalau budak belum akil baligh also fine...kan?? ...thank you!...Back to my packing...after deciding the outfit..then d colors...ahh ni yg lama...we try as far as possible to have a theme lah...saja suka suka.. :)
Mat Dib was kind enough to teman mummy :)
Then today (Jumaat-2 hari sebelum raya)...susun baju dalam bag...must make sure it fits in one bag...leceh lah banyak2 bag besides my evasion boot has limited space
There u go all inside the bag...then a handheld for toiletries
My tudung zipper...kain sampin tumpang sekaki...another bag for songkok
Then of course Mat Aariz's all-in-box......for susu, pampers, his toiletries etc.......and done! Luckily i was wise enough to take a leave today to do all this....

This is definitely d most heartwarming card ..from my dear Adib...he came back one afternoon...hiding the card behind him..and asked me , Mummy apa ada kat tangan Adib..I didnt have a clue...and he passed the card...and said
" untuk mummy dan semua...."
Bibik was standing nearby looked at him...and he contiunued "untuk bibik jugak
And it brought a smile to bibik in an instance...I was glad he said that....kid being kid...you never knew what's coming out from their mouth
From my family.......they make their own card everyyear....still keeping the tradition...bagus kan...I am thinking to do "angpow"...ok ke...???ha..ha..just kidding...maybe without our faces lah...
Last but not least...Mat Dib again helping me with the duit raya .....another kerja yg sangat malas lah... and he settled everything...Angah tolong jugak sikit...That end the persiapan hari raya for this year...tomorrow after tuition we will make our move to Pekan....So another day to puasa esok...Selamat Berpuasa still kekawan....Assalamualaikum...and good nite...
Wahhh so sweet of Adib.
Mengemas memang bercinta..kemas nak ke UK je seronok tak terhingga. Apakah?
Pandai Adib ambik ati semua org ..such a sweet gesture ....
I agree, berkemas memang satu yang leceh ..especially kalau ada budak kecik ...and balik raya nanti pun satu hal nak unpack lagi kan? Hehehe safe trip everybody ...
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