On the forth day of Raya, we travelled back to Kuantan--my home sweet home...Dok relax relax...sembang sembang makan makan posing posing and berangkat lah semua, tehrefore I missed the relatives' houses around JB but yg penting2 dah covered oklah...team lain pulak follow my mom and uncles and aunties..RAya ke 3 Darling sampai from Melaka so Raya 4 dia follow the group. I think kan , nobody can beraya like my mom and the adik beradiks sampai saturday tu dia org beraya sakan lagi...perghhh hebat! My mom is so... gojes kan?? at 57 years old....

Dalam pada nak balik tu...si Afi pulak nak jugak shirt RLX...2nd day tu tak nak beli konon dah banyak sgt, tapi macam kesian pulak so we made our last round check on JPO punya lah...kuh semangat kan?
And we did successfully collect 5 items to get the 30% discount...semangat ko!
Day 5 of hari raya, Duan dah kerja...after 1 month of fasting, I bet the whole of Malaysia misses our favourite breakfast of all time i.e. roti canai...so we did just that on day 5...
Then lunch at our favourite once-a-month or once-for-every-2 months affair...Ronald Mc Donald
And of course TomYam Kung, the very next day
Of course for hari raya, another benda wajib is kuih raya...mine are all "kuih tunjuk"..mostly ordered from my cousin Kak In--aunty Ana's daughter. She does make very delicious cookies.....
And this ends my Hari Raya break...finally back at my home sweet home...I really do enjoy the break.....but home is where the heart is...
couldn't agree more - Aunty Bibah tak berubah langsung ...dari dulu sampai sekarang sentiasa vogue :-)
sampai second round JPO tuh! itu lah yang dinamakan determination hahahaha
Kesian la sgt konon kat afi...padahal..jiwa raga liz tertinggal kat jpo...dtg pungut balik sebelum back to reality.
Member aku kata kat kl and shah alam...nak beli roti canai beratur panjang. Sumer dah muak rendang and what not masa tu. Roti canai was the hot stuff semua orang dok cari for breakfast.
Ha..ha..fendi pandai sangat!
By the way my tops is from Massimo Dutti ...tertinggal lak...ha..ha..
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