Wah meriah pokcik fend and mokcik ejin cite pasal first day of ramadan and endless story about food...tak de lah pulak cite terawih ke hapa kan tettttttttttttttttt...reminder utk diri sendiri...he..he....he.....now my story......sekitar ruangan food lah jugek...he..he...he...
1st sahur-- sahur dgn budak2--had sardine ---nak relate to Fend's story about sardine...and yes, sardine is one of my favourite dish...the very the jawa lah....kah..kah..kah... then I took 11 o'clock Firefly
from Kuantan to Singapore....my first time flying with Firefly--it was not bad at all..and of course convenience, 1 hour fly to Singapore without the hassle of having to transit in KL.....yg seramnya, when we checked in the steward cakap , "nanti you duduk row depan naik dulu- we need to stabilise the plane-tak boleh depan banyak belakang kurang!" senoneng sekejap...not knowing what to expect...

This business trip to Singapore is for a meeting with our banker in conjunction with our Director of Treasury visit to Kuantan ( to meet us- the only two Treasury people for AP). Asif the director is a Penang chap, a very humble fellow and cool...nice guy!
By the way, i like the name "Asif"...Ahmad Asif cool kan? but Asif means tanaman...so Ahmad Asif is Tanaman Terpuji ...Fendi kata kalau letak nama Asif , banyak cucu kau nanti....tak de hal lah tu but i will end up panggil my son, "tanaman!tanaman!" apa kehe nya kan?--ganno tu?
We checked in at Royal Plaza on Scotts...

About 2.30pm , off to the bank , the meeting was ok pretty interesting ..but my boss Shafie said he could barely open his eyes...Dia kan old school...aku and Asif gelak ajerlah...Lagi lah the meeting dragged until 6sth...
Balik freshen up a little bit then keluar for buka at Song of India..a fine dining Indian restaurant. 
Restaurant mmg 1st class...and more importantly halal and ada nasi..my boss's request.
Alhamdulillah up to this point,I was ok smooth molek ajer puasa...yg 2 bosses ni sebok itu inilah for lack of caffeine asyik dok ingat starbuck.

Restaurant mmg 1st class...and more importantly halal and ada nasi..my boss's request.
Alhamdulillah up to this point,I was ok smooth molek ajer puasa...yg 2 bosses ni sebok itu inilah for lack of caffeine asyik dok ingat starbuck.
Sampai restaurant, we were like 15 minutes early than the bankers so we ordered some starter n mango lassi. Later, the bank people arrived and ordered entah apa macam2... tandoori which came as another starter..then main dish ---nan + all sort of indian delicacies + beriyani ayam+ lamb beriyani.

Yang flop nya service macam .....undescribeable lah...bulan puasa tak baik guna bad words...lagi lah kite ni 30 something kan ..guna words yg baik ajer wahahahaha.but mmg way too slow..2nd starter dtg dah lambat --ada lamb n sotong which way too spicy and main dish sampai 15 min before 9pm.--and i can only managed 2 spoons of rice and a bite of chicken--then terus sebu!
So u can imagine macam mana perut aku...my boss lagi lah , dia kan old school--mana boleh buka style cam ni....I was half mad dah...rasa macam nak makan pekerja kat kedai tu---malam tu sampai aku mimpi marah2 minah waitress tu--macam lah dia chef kan--but i didnt see the chef so gitulah jadi nya....
The dinner ended at abt 10pm...the place is just a walking distance from d hotel so we walked back..aku jalan melulu dgn pening nak muntah semua ada.
My boss dok ckp, "liz u dpt tenaga mana..menonong ajer"..aku nak bersuara pun dah tak kuase...tapi senyum lah lagi....
My boss dok ckp, "liz u dpt tenaga mana..menonong ajer"..aku nak bersuara pun dah tak kuase...tapi senyum lah lagi....
kalau dgn laki aku mahu aku nak muncung dah ---berapa depa fend and ejin tahulah tapi tak semoncong ejin lah--he..he..-ngada lah sikit--dengan laki orang apa kehe aku nak mengada gitu kah..kah..kah...besides kite 30-something kan--matured enough insyallah and sedar diri dan ruang!!
Malam tu 3 kali kaki aku crammed..tapak kaki kejang..entah nape ..i was praying hard..stop lah stop lah...mata dah mengantuk tapi kaki sakit haiyooooo the very the.... tak erti nak ceriter...
Then 4 am sahur....as usual i was always the first to be waiting for the 2 gentlemen..kuli kan? kesian aku..ha..ha....slow lah dia org ni...akak tak leh jalan slow slow gitu...janji pukul berapa turun lah 5-10 minutes before...anyway i took that opportunity to snap some pictures-
-actually most of the pictures were taken while waiting for the 2 gentlemen...very the bapaks!
9am checked out n went to Grace Singapore-
for a short visit--...
meeting more people and putting faces to names... selama ni cakap dlm phone ajer
9am checked out n went to Grace Singapore-

then 2pm flight back home
....tidur all the way from SG to MY..sedar2 pening kepala tahap cipan.
Sampai KL, tunggu pulak for 6pm flight to Kuantan.....penat nya dgn rasa nak muntah...sebab penat sgt, aku dah puyeng mula cakap sikit nak tergelak...dok flashed back kisah semalam, cam kelakar pulek.....last last boss aku pun dah tak kuasa nak layan aku dok nak gelak terus dia pun baring tidur berdengkur lagi.....

Sampai KL, tunggu pulak for 6pm flight to Kuantan.....penat nya dgn rasa nak muntah...sebab penat sgt, aku dah puyeng mula cakap sikit nak tergelak...dok flashed back kisah semalam, cam kelakar pulek.....last last boss aku pun dah tak kuasa nak layan aku dok nak gelak terus dia pun baring tidur berdengkur lagi.....
This posting was actually written during waiting period at KLIA...sib baik ada blackberry...tolong lah jgn ngada ngada tetiba nak ban okays! ...orang ban kite nak ban...orang suka kite pun suka...aparah!!
So that was pembuka ramadan saya.....begitu mencabar minda kah..kah..kah..
Mencabar betul experience berpuasa first day on business trip. Hotel dgn restaurant tu cantik. Diorang takde buffet ke? Kan senang ambik buffet.
Menakutkan je message stewardest tu.
Ejin suruh buat posting pasal food and makan makan...so takde la posting pasal terawih. Tapi tadi dah buat dah posting pasal masjid.
itulah aku nampak gambar mesjid...syukran syukran...ada syurga di wajah mu wahahaha
ehhh aku kata apa2 posting ramadhan please tag under Ramadhan ...aku tak kata pun posting food ajer ...jgn nak ngada ...
P/S aku ingatkan Liz yang buat posting masjid tu ...rupa nya fendi ..alhamdullilah ..
btw, the hotel lobby look awesome!
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