In Bandung...mainly indonesian cuisine...nasi padang/nasi sunda bakso etc..etc
Restoran Garuda.....
I got to mentioned here, most of the Bandung pictures are from the gentleman in yellow, Radji --Tini's husband--he has DSLR --an enthusiast in photography and Soba (the one in black in the below pic) -- I actually cilok from FB!

I got to mentioned here, most of the Bandung pictures are from the gentleman in yellow, Radji --Tini's husband--he has DSLR --an enthusiast in photography and Soba (the one in black in the below pic) -- I actually cilok from FB!

Restoren Bakso

Another round of nasi another restaurant....
a treat for sunda cuisine at RM Sunda Kepala Garden Restaurant...

final dinner in Bandung was at this restaurant on top of a hill...entah lah nama apa....very exclusive ambience here...nicey!!!

The group......

can get very romantic here with this kind of scenery kan? there was a young couple sitting right in front of our table enjoying their cosy nosy time playing around with hp camera..making funny faces...i thought they are cute- young and vibrant!--sesuai utk pasangan remaja kite tu....

a candid from mr dslr---i think i was switched into my joking mode!

satay kambing...this is a must okey for those planning for a trip to Indonesia - i adore indonesian satay kambing !!

Wow...meletops sume food...ada part pasal hill tu cam nak provoc la tu..Nak racun kami...No..I won't buy it..No Bandung trip for us in the newar future hu hu
But I like the last bit of your posting...sporting. I know Duan tak kan over doing with one song after another...but if Kak Long???? Hmmmm...lariiiiiiiiiii
wahhhh ada penyanyi baru ...kalau buat band, please name it Gontel and the gang :-)
Liz - ngko tak nyanyi ke?
tapi kalau fendu yang nyanyi, aku rasa dia akan nyanyi lagi dangdut!!!!
ler penyudah nya kutuk aku ehhhhh....
aku kat karaoke ajer oklah berkuasa......
fendi tu...please lah jangan bagi dia mic...
dangdut is music no 1 kat bandung. tak caya tanya Inul. Sebab tu Wali band popular.
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