After my recent trip to HK, hantar the boys back to Kuantan....the next day we flied off to Bandung....myself, Duan and the RT team boys made a lot of fuss for not bringing them esp Adib (as he has never been to Bdg)--so i told them insyallah next year...

Bandung is all about more shopping....heii i managed to get myself 4 maternity trousers...gembira seh...cukup lah nak rotate utk kerja...this posting is dedicated to shopping lah yee....sib baik ada a few pics of the shops...ikut hati tu malas dah nak tangkap sebab everyyear pun muka aku terjenguk kat sini....
Jalan Dago or Jalan Riau.....akak lupa lah...they said during pregnancy kite may suffer a little of "mummy's brain"....otak mak mak ni kire pelupa lah....gitu so redha ajer lah....

Paris Pan Java....

...Pasar Baru....

Especially to husband out there....kalau belanja spouse kena ikhlas and riang gembira so that murah rezeki......baik punya statement kite kan??? year kite jalan lagi ye Dut!
Seronoknya korang bershopping. Bersambung sambung dari HK ke Bandung. Ramai ajak aku pi Bandung...tapi cam malas je nak pi.
shopping dapat barang mmg best...nanti kerja kumpul lagi duit ...itu ajerlah kerja nya :)
nie the same kedai kain yang kiter pi dulu ke? aku tak buat baju raya this year :-(
yo lah of them
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