olllaaaaa ... it is Saturday night here ..and i am not going out hahaha ....ada invitation to a party at Mount Vic tonight tapi akak malas ..lagi pun sejuk and none of my close buddies gi ..so, akak yang pemalu nie malas nak gi..so ended up watching a movie on telly ..while waiting for my roasted veges (potato, sweet potato and nz yam) masak ...i cook them sebab nak abiskan stock since esok dah sunday ...time to buy fresh vege ...lagipun roasted vege nie can be kept in fridge ...and i can have them for my lunch minggu depan :-) ...roasted vege with beef sausages and side salad or colslaw for lunch ,,,yumm!!!
back to the posting ..masa Kiky and Tijot were here ...i took them to Mount Vic..it is one of the must visit place kalau sampai Welly ...actually kalau nak panjat Mount Vic tu boleh ajer hahaha sebab memang laluan org gi jogging, hiking, trekking tu ....my first time gi sana aku naik kereta ..and i swear i will not go there berjalan kaki ...i am not that crazy...hahaha so, we took the No. 20 bus which stop right in front of the uni and berhenti direct kat Mount Victoria Observation Point ...i lupa how much the girls pay for their ticket ..coz i pakai snapper ..so ada discount ...
sampai sana memang terus posing sakan ....biasalah kan ...tourist and pemandu pelancong ...the good thing about going on weekday is that tak ramai orang ...kalau weekend, sometimes berlaga vontot ..susah le nak posing2 kalau dok berlaga vontot ...that time, it was just us, this Korean / Japanese father and son ...and three indians ...

apa yang menarik sangat about Mount Vic??? well, from here you will hve the vantage point to the whole of Wellington ..boleh tengok permandangan bandar Welly ...all the way from Miramar Peninsular ..to Lyall Bay to Lower Hutt and city centre ...a great view ...kalau malam pun cantik but akak malas gi malam coz kekadang sunyi gak tempat nie ....this time we went tengah2 hari gitu ...
view menghala ke Cook Straight with Welly airport at the background
yeayyyy!!! dua2 baju baru hahaha the day before sempat bershopping kat Manner Street :-)
nun jauh ke belakang tu ada satu lagi observation point ...overlooking Hutt Valley ...Soames Island semua tu ...so we all menapak le from this observation point along the road kat belakang kitorang tu ..jenuh gak le menapak ..coz kami melawan angin ...and boy, it was super windy at the time ...
nak demo how windy it was ..scarf aku tu mmg melayang2 kalau aku lepaskan sah2 skarf tu dah jauh dari gengaman ...sayang le nak lepaskan ..baru beli oiiii ...what was not seen here is the wonderful view ke arah laut tu ....you have to be here to appreciate the view :-)
like i said earlier..kalau nak hiking ke trekking up here banyak laluan sebenar nya ...and salah satu daripada laluan tu pernah digunakan dalam scene Lord of the Rings masa Frodo and the gang kena kejar oleh that mahluk yang naik kuda ..where they have to get out of the road ...cer tengok balik cerita LOTR hahaha ..walaupun begitu, tak sanggup ehh kami menapak mengguakan laluan tu untuk balik city ....just went to explore one of the trails ...and saw this amazing view:
bagi sesiapa yang nak gi sini naik bus (no. 20) please note bus ni tak beroperasi masa hujung minggu dan public holiday ...hanya weekdays jer ada ...and bertolak from here every 30 minutes kalau tak silap ....bagi yang sporty tu can always hike up ...or jog up here ...or even cycle here ...as for me, i prefer bus or car ...kalau turun bukit tu aku sanggup ...kalau naik tu, mintak maaf lah yea ...akak asthma hahaha
tu ajer posting for our Mount Vic trip ...a definitely must visit punya tempat kalau dah sampai Welly tu :-)
Cun pemandangan tapi camera dslr nko x bring justice to the scenerykan. Kena 2 mata live view baru cun kan. Kalau angin kuat sejuk sangat nak jalan pun susah.
best nya...cooling aje weather tu...kalau sini berpeluh ketiak tu :)..
Fendi bila kita nak hiking tu ???
sebab tu aka invite korang datang sini ...utk tengok sendiri pemandangan ...and i will not force you to hike up hahahaha tau sangat kerenah masing2 :-)
Tunggu liz sponsor ticket. Ita aponsor makan. Nanti kita plan ye.
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