Wednesday, November 9, 2011

When SAP down....

Today is the day....from as early as 8.30 until this very i glad or what? Initially there was mixed feeling...i have tonnes of things outstanding actually...and all of them need I was like "damn" down pulak system ni....towards year end ni macam macam tok nenek report semua tergendala...dah lah 2 major reports (on transfer pricing and cashflow) due about the same time, 2 sounds like nothing right?, but we are talking about 21 entities--mmg agak trauma--then the 2 monthly FX report yg due esok...wahahahhaha
Lepas baca blog mega ni then yahoo news....then baru teringat ...oh i can use this time to do balancing on the petty cash for this plant-- this is not supposed to be under my job scope--but my boss asked me to help out so i tolong--the truth is i hate doing this--time consuming -dah 2 bulan tak replenished , why ? i just cant find the time to do balancing and all--and now it's done and completed--happy :)--tak de lah org sebok "liz duit dah ada???"

Pas tu tried to login again..and still down..then the bulb in my head lights again--spring cleaning--yeah...and that was what i did.....gosh ..campur tolak at least a year i have not done any housekeeping.... tangguh one day to another sampai setahun....lebih mahu...

baru sedar i have been keeping rubbish....see the below date--that is how far the trash i've been carrying--gilos ke hape tu???.entah apa apa....dust jangan cerita the silica---makes me wonder how my lungs looks like...erkkkk

i threw loads of stuff...papers lah---of course recycling apa yg boleh...go GREEN !! and i also found this cute ruler of mine....that was my good luck charm when i joined grace back in 2006....crazy you know! the luck is coming back to my surrounding ha..ha..ha..

and so proud of myself...
so you see it is so true that it is ourselves who makes the day---we can make the day gloomy and distressed .....spent hours cursing the system ....or we can lead the day to be a productive one....applies this to your life...selamat dunia akhir--- i bet Duan must have this "tell that to yourself" in his mind--ha..ha..ha..i know... i am reminding myself lah jugak.....gotcha!!.
Nampak my sayang staring at me....


Eat said...

Liz, the stack of papers on yr table tu, nampak sama aje heightnye?? lariksss....

Ejin said...

ngko bungkus air from canteen ke???

Liz Duan said...

tak boleh nak buang lah...some tu macam perlu ada berkepuk atas meja biar aku tak tengok sekali pun...i have to have another round...lemari penuh lagi kat belakang tu....

yes, i tapau air from canteen...noticed i minum tea...when i have problem with my throat kena minum tea...

fendifid said...

AIyoo...macam filing room. Apsal banyak paper ni? aku tak leh meja penuh paper ni...paper aku clear takde benda...laptop aje.

33dda said...

banyaknye sampah, aku ingat document2 hok dok banyak kat station ko tu rupernye sampah jer...

fendifid said... tak caya je liz yg hobby mengemas jadi pengumpul khazanah sampah

Liz Duan said...

seriously i dont have the time tau--mana nak kerja mana nak whatsapp ha..ha..ha...