Ok i just want to show some pictures of the house...there are 3 super singles beds in the boys room for obvious reason lah...and they ahve been shifted for a few times...tepi tengah tepi lagi ...first arrangements was mine- the beds were separated...then they kept requested to move or shift the beds...finally it becomes like one big bed joined together...become like a platform for berkubang...
It is defintely a right decision to get them one big room...i think if only we give them one room each, they will still end up in one room squeezing among them.
This was secodn arrangement...because they want to get closer to the air cond..
That coffee table is now waiting to be transported to Pekan, the black cabinet ???not sure it is either in the small store i have under the staircase or somewhere in the junkyard.
This is how the boys play...if they want to shift their mental from the computer games...MMg rimas kalau start main khemah khemah ni...berserak arukkk!
Now the room looks like this...Apart from the space--kitchen cabinet --the walk in closet etc....another best thing that we got for ourselves for this renovation--is the laminated timber flooring.Definitely tak menyesal...
The beds...it was bought separately ..that answered why different model..I wish to dump all three and get new ones...but the one on the left is new for Adib...we'll see lah nanti nati...
The wall is still very bare...I think wallpaper or a huge print would nicely transform the room...but nak mencari tu satu lah hal nya...In KL you can find those shops in the shopping mall but not here in Kuantan...kena cari entah kat sudut mana
The difference between org rajin and malas...Angah has so many notes kan ...Along yang ado? sepesen dgn Ahmad Adib! Adib when you asked him to do some reading...buku favourite dia "Lawak KAmpus"...that is where he got his idea to do jokes gamaknya.
Nampak tak those white patches mcm damp..kat belakang Adib tu...that is what happened to our pagar .Sakit mata!
This is the family area...where we spent most of our awake time..esp me and Duan lah...tapi ternganga tv tengok kita pun selalu :)

My Favourite spot of the house....it is cooling in here sebab air cond is 24-7 ...almost...and we have that curtain to deter bright light which makes the room very cosy ...dah rasa nak balik rumah pulek..
Ok folks until next time...selamat berpuasa and berbuka (petang nanti)...
love the family area tu ..sangat cozy! and I agree with you - just dump the three bed ...and get new ones hehehehe
Kira ok la tu kemas for bilik bujang. Kalau sepah aje nanti Liz jadi monster terus. ha ha ha
Misha pun macam adib...suruh baca buku dia baca lawak kampus.
Itu time kemas.....cuber time berserabut tu.bgn pagi aju blh terus bebel
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