Good morning people ....a quick one...kenapa tetiba rajin kan...i am quite stress with work actually...then i had this tot why lah need to stress...we have 7 days a week...and i am stress over work for 5 days...then weekend like at certain corner the back of my mind i still think about work...what a waste, right? We should enjoy every minute of our stress...wear your best dress everyday...dont keep in the closet and wait for that one day which may not come at what u like...enjoy what u do.....enjoy your loved ones...dont neglect people around you...bring all the positivity in and out you go blessed with what you have...tell ourselves...our lawn is greener that others...alwayss...I read Solusi...and found this..apabila berbanding lihat lah org yg kurang dari kita dan kita akan tergolong dalam golongan yg the way...esok Monthly Tax and Treasury meeting wahahahhaaa.
Ok i have many pictures lah cam rugi aje simpan dlm folder campak kat sini...this is makan makan for akak in purple punya birthday...It was a treat from her...tq
Kak Wan...she's the company secretary...and has always been a great help to me...assisting me a lot in so many many things...She just bought herself an LV....full leather....not i always adore....adoii nicey nicey...
The rest my friends lah...people i ahng out with in Grace...Lina, the guys except for the one in red..semua dari negeri kg halaman ku...just happened bukan i pilih negeri to hang out ha...ha..ha..
we had this birthday celebration in
Swiss garden...the Blossom restaurant...mmg tempat wajib for Grace..lepas sini ...sini is nearby actually...convenient and the food is ..ok. This is
chicken with gajus... daging rusa...goreng...tak ingat sebab Grace mmg suka sgt order daging rusa kat blossom ni...tehre was another trip recenty with all the conjunction with the HR head from pictures for that..
JApanese tofu ...kan?
Like this
udang telur masin...yummy...
Asparagus goreng belacan...i dont like this...dah cakap kak wan next time ban lauk ni..
Lemon favourite :)
Dessert ni...apa ek...
honey dew vanilla rasanya...semua pun suka noh ni kan...
And on the house...cheese cakes and some cupcakes....mmg penuh perut and terbongkang right after...Ok that's it a quick one from me...I am trying to fast again tengahari i would have time to do anotehr watch this space people!
Sedap la asfaragus belcn yu. Aku no no to lemon fish steam tu. Aku suka ikan bergoreng. Dessert yummy yummy.
aku pun suka asparagus belacan. N chicken gajus memang my fav (byk fav aku) ...but good job liz, keep the momentum going ya! Nxt wk br aku aktif berblog
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