Ok...that Sunday Dec12th - i experienced more regular contractions for every hour from as early as 5am---that still did not stop me from doing the house chores---looking back, i really do not know what's got into me--why did i take it so lightly, perhaps i tot i am still in the early thirties...entahlah--- when i felt the contraction, i stopped for a while then continued whatever i was doing--i just acknowledged the contractions by recording the time...only at 7pm, i called my gynae and he asked me to go to the hospital.

After dinner, we went to the hospital, i was immediately strapped on CTG to check on the contractions and the baby's heartbeat. CTG proven that the contractions are really "hard contractions" --i.e. a real thing. However, the graph on the baby's heartbeats was not showing a good pattern, they were rather low and it went downwards when there was a contraction.
That was when the doctor decided that he may need to prepare me for early delivery, so that nite i was admitted-- they gave me pills to stop the contractions and a jab for baby's lungs just in case--- that lung jab is really painful...know what i have taken all sort of jabs, like epidural which went thru your backbone --but that lung jab is really one of its kind-- the nurse told me that is because of the quantity and the thickness of the liquid...sangat lah sakit. I was given another one the next day, and i asked them to jab another thigh...sakit kak!

That nite, I still felt the hourly contractions,
then next morning, Monday Dec13th 2010.....CTG still showed same pattern of the baby's heartbeat. The doctor examined me and announced that my cervix was 2.5cm dilated---walaweiii--- that was the moment of truth---it was then decided that i need to be sent to the General Hospital for emergency premature delivery (subjected to the GH specialist's opinion of course). You guys should know that most private hospitals only accept 36 week and above labour--premature babies need special equipment and 24 hour observation, most privates do not have that or perhaps, they forgo that branch of business because it's going to cost us fortune... In about half an hour or so , i was in the ambulance to the General Hospital----
.....................to be continued....akak nak mandi okays---sejuk lah sgt, winter kat kuantan :)
or maybe they don't want any 'big cases' to tarnish their names... i mean, if you are seriously ill (i.e denggi berdarah), private hospital normally won't let you in. they'll immediately refer (read: campak) you to GH. they want to keep their 'death rate' low... if high, habis le diorang...
anyway, kuantan 'winter' brape temperature nye? hehe
cannot wait to see Aariz's picture ...btw, Sarawak pun winter jugak ...sejuk sangat!
Agaknya Mard...yg payah2 bagi GH..apa pendapat kawan kite yg kerja DEMC tu ya?
Hei...snow dah turun ni...2 days in a row hujan tak berhenti ni..dah amaran kuning, santa claus nak turun :)
last few weeks, windy ajer macam duduk tepi laut....
Sabar la Ejin...lagi sebulan je aariz keluar hospital. Nko biler nak terbang ke kuantan visit aariz?
yea lah ..aku akan ke Kuantan in 2011 ... kan dah kata aritu ....tapi kena tunggu aku settle down dulu ... baru enjoy joli kat Kuantan :-)
Amboi.. sapa tu yek yg keje
DeyE-mCey? Hahaha!!
MArd is right, mahal wey. equipment2 tu, sampai juta2 pun ada.. tapi very sick pt yg akan utilise eq tu tak ramai, so,tak worth to buy..
lagi satu coz biasanye newborn ni kena stay-in NICU at least sebulan, kalau sehari RM500, biasanye pt akan request transfer to GH jugak..
Personally, GH NICU is the best for premmies, that's the hard fact.. Gagaga..
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