My verdict...EPL fails me....the story is pretty dull -- it is like--- "ok what's next now and is that all"...Perhaps the movie does not do justice to the book, cant really tell because i am now still reading the novel..and still in Italy..LOL.
Reading the novel this far, the story actually deals a lot with internal feelings and i think that is quite difficult to potray on screen. Like the very first scene or so, the voice telling Liz to "go to sleep", that is actually more like an inner voice not an outloud instruction.
I think I may enjoy the book more than the movie...i can relate the novel to certain aspect of life, like at times when we get too close to someone like a spouse as an example, we tend to lose some of our original identity, we give in for the sake of love...but whether it's the right thing to do or not - it's quite difficult to tell.... things can get bored if you keep seeing a reflection, but too much arguments is not a healthy way of life also.... so it's all about moderation but how to measure??
This complexity leads to Liz Gilbert's divorce and that divorce brought her from one corner of the world to another to search for herself... and god and of course love lah....

And 2 weeks ago ke, we went for HArry Porter... best ..better than the Half Blood Prince...but this one is part1 of the final book...so part 2 will be next year kot.
Now we are waiting for NArnia.... the trailer looks pretty awesome...it will be out Dec9th, according to Afi....
aku dua2 belum tengok lagi ...and i plan to read the EPL book as well...so far tak jumpa lagi sebab out of stock kat popular!
I have seen both...and because of EPL la we had decided to go to Bali for holiday last month tu. Since I'm a big fan of Julia and never read any novel for last 10 years...i'm ok with the story and enjoyed every moment Julia Roberts punya scene. LOL.
Tadi went for Rapunzel. Kids dalam panggung tu gelak tak hingat punya. Bersahut sahut suara kanak kanak gelak. Suka bangat suasana tu.
Ya...looking forward for Narnia jugak...next week start.
org kata Rapunzel kelakar betul ya?
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