Jadi pagi tadi pergi jumpe gynae..checking baby's heartbeats and well being and position of the placenta. Alhamdulillah baby's doing fine but still in breech position and position of placenta - ok jugak. If you experiencing spotting/vaginal bleeding and placenta is covering the opening of the womb-positioned down below-at the cervic, that is not a good sign...
So nasihat doctor--"limit your activities dan jangan lah TETTTTTT" ---gitu ......as for other activities, with bibik not being around...mmg lah agak sukar bagi aku ni, especially bab ironing, sapu sampah, mop, cuci toilet-- we set certain standard--dah kalau bibik tak de, kite lah kena stand in...the boys have been very very helpful though--walau keep on complaining,, "susah nya tak de bibik ni mummy"--by the way, bibik balik cuti!
Also for the past one week, ada vaginal pressure and (Braxton Hicks) contractions yg quite regular--when this happens, memang terus tak leh jalan...Aimran kata "mummy jangan buat sakit macam tu"...told him ni bukan buat buat--this is real thing!
Oh ya my BP ok...berat dah 63kg...mmg rasa berat sgt..
Ok meh masuk bab yg best sikit...we are done with our shopping for our little one...Basically after 7 years, we have nothing except for Afi's old cot... This round, we've only gone for essential items, jadi tak de lah Playpen lah, moses basket lah--segala macam tok nenek selagi boleh...:)
Bathing set--

Car seat yg boleh jadi merangkap rocking chair
Baby box + all tiny miny items-



Rasa ini aje......next check up in 2 weeks time...nanti kite cite lagi ya....
berpinar mata tgk stroller tu. kecik je gamaknya...harga je besar. sikitnya barang baby?
Kau ingat nak besar mana? Nak letak mat afi?
Stroller tu from birth to 25kg, ada yg blh up to 50kg
Dah mcm trolley tu LOL!
Aku beli ikut checklist dlm internet--
Rasa complete dah tingal tak buka cot aje..
Barut,napkin semua ada tinggal newborn
Pampers lum ada ...
just heard, i hope everything will be fine...
Gila.. glow in the dark stroller gitu..
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