Friday, July 23, 2010

4 principles for A Happy marriage

Hi guys...on my way down to KL..
I watched Wanita Hari Ini this afternoon and there was this one ustaz talking about marriage.
And he shared 4 principles for a better marriage. So I think, why not share it here at least if I need to, I can always refer to this blog we shared.
They are:
1) Kenal mengenali - i think this one bukan at point of mengurat ajer but through out the marriage lah...20sth lain...30 sth jadi lain sikit...40 sth lagi lah lain nya...datang ke era menoupause lagi lah lain....

2) Faham memahami ---- and this relates to point 1, sometimes kite kenal tapi tak paham ..tak boleh jgak....dah kenal kena paham apa kehe si dia tu begitu and paham and terima...---dah macam pakar motivasi pulak aku....

3) Budi bicara ---on this kite pun sedia maklum...kte cakap dgn friends macam ni, cakap dgn parents kena gitu, cakap dgn boss kena begini same goes with our own spouse...ada tatasusila nya...tapi kalau skima sgt plastic pulak...tak syok.....and budi bicara relates jugak to point 2 untuk memahami kena berbicara......tadi i cakap paham and terima times ada benda tak leh kena berbicara...jangan cakap macam shaiton ok jerit menjerit calling names swearing ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...sungguh no no no....gelak shaiton tak pe though!!!

4) Tolong menolong --- this of course...dunia sekarang perempuan tolong dah sama2 cari rezeki utk kesejahteraan give and take lah...yg husband jangan lah buat cara firaun...harta macam firaun tak pe kah..kah..kah....ada lah yg suka sgt kata aku materialistic tu...aku tahu dah sapa kah..kah..kah...never not me...

Simple yet we tend to forget along the way..

Another interesting fact, he also mentioned that isteri dan suami itu amanah Allah.
I tot only anak amanah.....amanah means pinjaman kan? So as penminjam we are accountable for their well being
Jadi kena jaga baik baik.....saling jaga menjagai.


Ejin said...

sempat lagi tuh! On the way to KL pun sempat ....cayooooo lah Liz!

fido said...

Yup! cldn't agree less with all the facts there!!!

p/S: have a nice trip to HK!!!

fendifid said...

Adoi..peningnya nak syllabus 30an ke? Yang 20 AN macam aku takde ke syllabusnya?