The world celebrates fathers' day yesterday...and we had our small little feast of our kind at...

..Duan received the 2 cards from the boys...I think Duan was just stunned as i was, after reading Afi's...Duan asked me if I gave the wordings..when I actually asked Afi the day before if he copied it from somewhere....and suprisingly they are his own words...I just cant help but feeling he is showing a sign of adolescent...dah besar anak aku!

AN + AB is meant to be Angah and Abah...i did not get the equation right first time..afi kata teruk sgt mummy ni...

I was making noise for getting only one card for mother's day..and afi told me " mummy jangan ngade ehh mase tu kite tak de idea" certain extend they must got some idea from misha's overwhelming mother's day cards and gifts...
kembang kempis duan...sure borong habis kat bandung untuk Afi dgn Aimran.
misai menguit nguit
Malaysia celebrates Father's Day 21st June this year
gambar abah yang aimran lukis tu misai melintang ...heheheh tapi ada goatee...duan tukar penampilan ke?
Family lisdu diorang declare sendiri punya Father's day...kah kah kah. Pak ngah pun terpengaruh gak memula tu. Pastu fid yang ingatkan ahad ni sebenonya father's day.
tuh pelik fend tak de posting lagi...sebab fend kan selalu extravaganza he..he..he...but seriously aku dengar dlm hot fm..tapi angah cakap disney channel kata hujung minggu ni...he..he..he...
Boys.. canteekkk cards tu! Aunty Fid suke tgk si mamat 'misai melintang' tue pnya rambut.. cam comics jepun pnya hero tue!!!
he..he..he thanks auntie fid misai tu hansomekan angah yang buat. sebenarnya semua lukisan angah, angah suka buat rambut mcm tu.
Fid: soalan cepumas...ngko eha tue tu maksudnya apa? tu ke tua??? heheheh
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