Sunday 31st was the hari besar...there were too many photographers and reporters (actually on both days-hari nikah and hari besar), that I just cant gain a space for my little tiny winny hp camera to snap more pictures of the raja sehari...

Just realised that we have more boys in the third generation...hence Darling was ushered by flower boys + 2 flower girls..
me...my vogue-mama...my favourite aunt...my ever adorable sis-miss ann ngasri ...an awet muda aunt-gee jaffar
and finally...kawan korang lah...................

word of wisdom for the day..." marriage is something both parties (the wife and the husband)have to work together..it's a joint effort"...this was actually my comment to all reporters who requested for my sepatah dua kata......other than congratulating the lovely couple -perasan tak muka dia org ade iras iras....it's a good sign kata org tua tua....:)

Once again...bagai kan puteri..........................

ok la tu...cun gambar gambarnya dari takde. memang banyak photographers...susah nak menyelit.nanti kat melaka pun diorang ada jugak ke?
tak tahu lah...tak kot...kalau ade pun the hired photographer
kat melaka, kitorang tak jemput media
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