Tuesday, July 13, 2010

At 66 Days i.e. 9 weeks ++

Hi guys...i am 9 weeks ++ today....for the past 2 weeks (since my last posting on my pregnancy), there have been many activities and developments on me and the baby of course.

I was in KL for the "ritual" family gathering....it has been a few months since my last visit actually--I had a feeling that I was just a few days away from being cursed to "Tanggang"--part of the reason, it is just time that rocketing from one day to another and i was not able to keep up...secondly, we move around as a family--this is like a pact made long long long time ago-so all need to be free and fit enough, to be able to travel:) ..
we had a family photo session for a hari raya magazine...my dear hubby, has successfully excused himself...as for myself, told them thousands times that i am just an artis pencen, but was not given a permission--so i was physically dragged to sit there---konon lah...wahahahaha....but i told the reporter , dont waste your time interviewing me---my life is only work and family.....that is so boring to put on magazine, isnt it?
My dear sister, Ann was outstationed in Perlis for a telemovie....in case you readers have that question in mind:)

Then...yes, Duan had allowed me to indulge some durian --sedap lagi menyedapi...due to the pregnancy , i was asked to wait until last week and i limit myself to 2ulas a day.... sopan kan? I am!!!

As for my pregnancy development...i continue to feel fatique tahap maxima or tahap cipan--you name it! I am tired 24-7..i really do not know if this is for being pregnant at 30 something or it is "pembawakan budak" as they told me so....and honestly i always hate myself when i am in this situation, being far less than active....feeling so down....to certain extent I think, it affects my surrounding and people around me...i even talk much less at work...just dont have the urge to gossip or talking in general....

I have lost my waist line--not that i have one like saloma wahahahaha....but it's gone. Someone actually made a remark "Liz, you are already out of shape!" ...gitu dgn ikhlas nya kah..kah..kah...best part was the sentence came after that "I thinks it's going to be a girl"....AMIN....(korang pun please "amin" with me :)

Last saturday, had our second appointment with my gynae, Dr Khaled--and this is the first picture of our baby....so what's up withe her or him?

finally at 9 weeks , he/she looks like a tiny human...

In this last month of the first trimester, the baby is growing rapidly, doubling in size over the next four weeks. Its head is about half the length of the entire body. External genitalia are forming, and after this month, it will have physically developed into either a boy or a girl (though its gender was determined at conception)--- ---

-----we talked about this about this chromosome XY thing-Duan actually told me this when i was obsessed with avoiding seafood-it's confirmed at conception so where do we apply that take less seafood for a girl??? confused kan???
Well the Quran said, lelaki atau perempuan is god's gift ...so apa pikir banyak2! MAnusia suka buat life became miserable kan?? when Allah has the answer in his book!

So till then friends....doa kan saya a healthy pregnancy yee....thank you!


fendifid said...

Makin meriah family nko ni...every year tambah ahli. Nanti kuar majalah...tepek kat sini lagi ye.

Mana gambar durian musang tidur tu? mesti terliuq orang kuching yang susah nak dapat durian kalau bukan musim..he he he

Kalau letih...buat baring je...tidur ke. 9 bulan bukan lama.

Ejin said...

Aku yang teruja tengok gambar scan tu .... such a tiny miracle kan? tapi betul lah, boy or girl - tak kisah kan, walau pun jauh di sudut ati tu ngko nak kan girl ....

aku pung nak tengok gambar Musang King tu .. please le tepek an gambar...btw, 2 ulas tu cukup ke???

Mard said...

aminnnnnn..... i pray you will have a healthy baby :-D

BTW, your sis is such a great in-law (daughter & sis). my dad can be a very difficult person yet she has been great in seeing that both my mom & my dad are comfy during their stay at IJN. your parents are sure blessed to have great children

oooppppssssyyyyy.... ada klas la plak... chow...!

fendifid said...
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Ros Is said...

nas,skali lg skdr brkongsi info...lelaki atau prmpuan sbnrnya tlh ditentukn sjk brlakunyer prsnyawaan antara benih lelaki dn prmpuan...iaitu samada kromosom x atau y llaki yg brcantum dgn kromosom x prmpuan....aku br trbaca dlm satu artikel ttg hal nie bhw dlm al-quran pn ada menyebutnya dan sains jg tlh mmbuktikannya....hebat bkn? kitab suci al-Quran...subhanallah...