dont actually need to follow strictly the engineer's recommendation and by doing that we may save quite a bit on the cost , as an example the steel--they are a few measurements, so instead of using the proposed Y16 we can just use Y12.., apparently taht is common practice ...but for us , we are building our own house for god sake so .....we skip that advice!

Latest position of the renovation...for those who said , the house has became a bungalow-- that is something it will never be...the house will forever maintain as a terrace house...but , perhaps a "humble-grand" one wahahahaha main ajerrrrrr...

Harap harap boleh siap before raya...aminnnnnnnnnn--akak kan orang melayu, melayu biasakan raya nak itu baru ~~ini baru ...so as proud as I am for being one, i want to raya with rumah baru...sort of baru lah jugakan....ok till next posting...take care!

Latest position of the renovation...for those who said , the house has became a bungalow-- that is something it will never be...the house will forever maintain as a terrace house...but , perhaps a "humble-grand" one wahahahaha main ajerrrrrr...

I would classify it as the outcome of our exclusive idea which fits our requirement (with 3 growing boys and a baby) moulded with love plus some budget constraints he..he..he...
Harap harap boleh siap before raya...aminnnnnnnnnn--akak kan orang melayu, melayu biasakan raya nak itu baru ~~ini baru ...so as proud as I am for being one, i want to raya with rumah baru...sort of baru lah jugakan....ok till next posting...take care!
liz, kat atas tu besarkan bilik ker wat bilik baru???
Besar kan yang...:)
macam dormatry...anak kita kan kaki berkubang so bagi dia org bersungguh2 berkubang ...kalau dah besar nanti nak block kan, baru kita block
dah besar masa tu dah duduk bungalow atas bukit la.
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