Ok..back to my renovation update..tadi back and upper flloor, now the front part...tiles on the frontyard.....the tiles was where it's all started...Duan proposed the whole renovation when I initiated the idea to have the frontyard fully tiled--when I threw him that idea, i was pretty determined..like " nak jugak~~ nak jugak"...so having him came up with the whole renovation proposal is like a bonus...the shining star must be right above me huh!!

Finally, gone is the green floor.....but you guys should know, when we first had the floor greened, a few neighbours stopped by and commented "sejuk rumah korang ni"..from far you could see the green reflection on the wall......my neighbours..., perhaps, they are being nice...but those words are definitely a doa.....so to them , thank you! I thought of using green tiles actually, was looking for jade-shiny-green , but cant find them so we ended up with this black 2X2.
meletops tiles nko ni...cantik...mesti mahal.
Tak mahal it is second grade tiles 8.80 sekeping tapi jenuh lah mencari
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