Tuesday, November 23, 2010

At 199 days = 28 weeks

Hei korang....rindu tak kat akak...he..he..he..the very the songgel....Kejap ajer kan dah 7 months...banyak lah sekejab...kite rasa dah berkurun pregnant ni...I have another 81 days to go (28.93%) before due date...dah in my secodn week of the 3rd trimester ...am so looking forward....

Had another monthly check up last week...i gained 3 kgs for the last one month and that makes me 61 kg in total ...an increase of about 10 kgs from my normal weight....in previous pregancies, i would gain approx. 15kgs all together. Looking at the momentum i wont be far behind lah from that 15kg threshold, am just hoping it wont accelerate more than that...jenuh nanti nak hit the treadmill...kesian pulak aku ni...

That's about it on the weight gain.....cuma satu benda entah nape this round macam bengkak lah muka kaki tangan semua....people said it's water retention...maybe lah kot!

Baby is weighing about 1 kg...and until last saturday my baby was in a breach position. If he continues to stay in that position i'll need to be cut (caesarian lah tu) but we still have like 2 months plus and there's still a lot of water inside...baby is still small....he may turn around anytime...so insyallah lah ye...

During the last check up, we have booked for epidural...i am an epidural fan.....i took for all the 3 deliveries...for those who is interested, ambik dari awal...

So itu saja lah...semoga semua nya berjalan lancar...


fendifid said...

Tengok nko hari tu...takde la kembang sangat. Biasa biasa je.

Ejin said...

tu lah ..aku rasa Fendu lagi gemuk dari ngko masa last jumpa tu LOL ...

apa2 pun, semoga everything goes well ...aunty ejin dah tak sabar nak tunggu ngko deliver nie!

Mard said...

baby ni nak different from his abang2 kot... nak kuar ikut 'tingkap'. hehe

Liz Duan said...

Mard...kalau baby ni keluar ikut tingkap....maksudnya pembuka (Mat Afi) and penutup...have their "tingkap" delivery

fendifid said...

What do you mean penutup? Duan said lepas ni 3 more coming. two of them twins.

Liz Duan said...

pandai sgt lah fend!

Ejin said...

LOL ... kalau masin mulut ngko Fend, pengsan kak long ...