We had tried planting them jarak jarak...nak budget lah mula mula dulu...once ..had the nursery planted for us...now i know we had paid a fortune actually for having the nursery did it for us...mati jugak penyudah nya...
For this round, we planted it ourselves for 3 consecutive weekends..me, bibik and the boys...i was more like a "mandor"..and it were bibik and the boys who did the hardwork and they did a good job...

It was not only planting the carpet grass..we did repotting, replanting, trimming, throwing away many many almost dead plants....these were my part lah....i have been neglecting them for a long long time...jengah pun tidak...kesian pokok aku...
And hasil nya...not bad huh..he..he..he..and a ...very...very bad backpain which came together with legs cramps..for pushing, pulling, squatting, and standing repeatedly.....phewwww.
I am not finished yet....the back part still need some touch up here and there.....tunggu budget bulan depan puloks....also i need to refuel my energy jugak.....whahahahahaha

That's it...my very green garden...bibik asked me to get some flowery plants...tak erti aku nak cari pokok berbunga lah....i am eyeing this one plant daun dia putih campur hijau..sangat cantik..dah tanya harga nya...RM400 satu big pot....mak datuk maka tergigit lah jari ku....so kena beli pot kecik ajer lah...kite survey jer lah dulu......
cantik! very green ...
aku pun last weekend sibuk re-potting and re-arranging the plants. Sebab front porch dah fully occupied by cars, most plant dipindah ke belakang..and my dad is working on his landscape layout sekarang nie ...kerja aku ada assistant dia jer ...
Rajinnya. Sib baik aku takde halaman bertanah. Tak sanggup.
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