Sunday, May 29, 2011

balik kampung ...

ok kekawan ....akak akan balik kampung 30th nie ...nak celebrate Gawai kat kampung ...nanti akak balik buat posting ...hehehehe akak jarang balik kampung for Gawai ..selalu nyer celebrate kat rumah we all either kat Sri Aman or Kuching ajer ..but this time, my dad agreed that we should be back to the longhouse we will be celebrating Gawai (the whole family akan ada except for my sister who is already back in KL) at the longhouse after more than 20 years of not being back for Gawai kat kampung's that for a start? last year, my parents and i balik kampung just for one night ...and this time round we all balik for 5 nights ....boss aku pun tertanya2 "can you survive that long?" kata nyer when i told him this morning yang aku akan balik kampung ......i am sure i can (kot) ....without internet (connection tak stabil kat sana), without ASTRO ....LOL ...

and talking of kampung ....akak teringat my second home sure fendu ngan kak long pun sama, masa dok browse album tadi, I saw these photos, layan ajer lah .....

muda remaja LOL ...taken during an office trip to Bradford's Museum of Light in 2004

during a visit to Great Orme, Llandudno (Wales) in 2003

at Wallington Hall, Northumbria ...a few days before aku balik Malaysia June 2005

Motif: (i) nak cerita aku punya trip balik kampung Gawai nie and (ii) AirAsia now ada promotion ....jom le ramai2 beli tiket ke London!!!!  boleh jalan2 ke tempat2 cam nie :-)


fendifid said...

Aku nak balik kampung hu hu

Ejin said...

jom le pergi ... kan airasia selalu ada promotion ...jom!!!

Liz Duan said...

bag tangan banyak ni camno??? insyaallah ada rezeki , satu hari nanti...sweet sgt gambor kau masa muda ya...wahahahaha

Ejin said...

hahahaha ngko memuji ke menyindir tu liz ...i cannot differentiate lah LOL

Liz Duan said...

betullah sweet..mana ada menyindir...membakor ajerrrrrrrrr