Last weekend , for the first time we took Aariz with us for our saturday lunch...of course if we bring a baby with us , sebolehnya try to find a suitable baby proof place i.e.not too crowded and of course air conditioned...if possible lah. The thing is when baby cries, we feel the heat as well....mula naik panas jugak...jadi if possible find somewhere spacious...
So we decided to try this new place in town,
the Zenith Hotel. Fendi , you can put this hotel in your "To Visit" listing...boleh akak tumpang sekaki swimming pool nya wahahahhahaa.

Parenting tips: when you have a baby, we got to take turns to eat.
Me with my little clone boy! Oh I have this
sixth sense story to tell--that morning i wore my grey blouse and that light blue tudung, then Duan went thru his piles of t shirts and i was looking at him and in my mind, i was telling him
..."take the light blue guess t shirt" and that was what he did.....that what's we call
" the power of the mind"---sixth sense lah tu....
Ok give way for my precious one--- "baby katang" --katang means gagah/muscular..boleh jadi body guard mummy kan?

I am just crazy about this little boy that i need to put 2 of his pictures here....
Bestnya outing with family...hotel tu nampak da'bomb...boleh la aku plan ke sana year kot.
geramnya aku tengok gambar aariz tu...pipi afi..he he.
geram nyer tengok dua pic yang last tu!!!! and gambar afi and aariz sebelah sebelah tu mmg cun ...dua2 pipi sama!
and also known as telepathy ...hehehehe ...
Waaahh.. sungguh katang aariz.. gaya pun dah mcm bodyguard.. Comel gitu..
mahal x kak..huhu
Imani.dalam 50 seorang tapi anak kita 2 orang tak kira so we only pay about 150 for the whole family jadi macam biasa biasa kita makan kat luar mmg around tu jugak.
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