The broken marble.....initially we thought of using tiles but the existing hall is covered with broken marble jadi jangan lah membazir nak tukar semua ....personal loan pun tak dapat lagi ni...tak de banker ke readers kite ni???? akak banker pencen --besides, bank naga tu tak de personal loan.

Next, we blocked the staircase to have like a dedicated family ala ala macam rumah kat mana ni? yg style macam bilik bilik....chewahhhh...aku syok sendiri...wahahahahha

So we continue nanti esok esok pulak.....take care! Kalau dia org laju...end of this week siap kut this front part's of our house renovation...cant wait...
fuyooo cepatnya diorang bukan sikit ni...dah major ni...dah macam rumah baru.
pas abis reno, kiter ikuti liz punya decor story plak nanti :-) ...tetamu2 masih menunggu nak datang rasmikan extension nie :-)
Waaah.. cepat betul kontractor kau ni Liz.. Sungguh efficient!
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