First of all I would like to wish Adik beradik 30 smthg and all readers Happy Mother's day. Tahun ni aku terasa sangat kedatangan Mother's day since last month masa my brother sms to plan for makan makan in my home town...followed with many more sms untuk the gathering tu. However the celebration has to be postponed to next week sebab this week some of my siblings have a tight schedule.
Another reasonnya sebab Ej dok mention about the date since last week. Macam macam la she plan but I did not response to it sebab idea dia macam macam and I am a kind of malas nak buat activity yang tiring sebab nanti Fid tak larat. I thought of just go out for a nice dinner and Ej's remark was like "Ha? dinner jer?"
On Saturday after dropped Fid at work, I took Ej to Ampang Point for a hair cut. Being persistence as always Ej tried to talk me through about her plan nak surprisekan mummy dia with a nice breakfast. I said...malas la...can we just go out for dinner and gave her my reasons yang malas malas. Ej said...daddy boleh diam kejap tak and listen to my plan. kah kah kah...just imagine in few years time nanti lagi teruk aku kena layan plan dia. kah kah kah.
Lepas dia dah bersyarah....aku straight je cakap...malas la...I still think dinner is the best. Dia merajuk terus senyap all the way to Ampang Point. Lepas siap gunting rambut aku terus kata...ok let's go cari kad for mummy...terus EJ sorak yeahhh and baru nak cakap cakap. Pastu we bought hadiah...balik umah terus balut. Taraaa...
Actuallynya...pagi tadi...Ej dengan di bantu oleh mummy berjaya jugak buat breakfast for the family. Dengan bangganya EJ masak pancake for all of us. Tgk la glass canggih tu and the cutleries tu. Ej punya idea...perfectionist sikit like her mummy.
The best pancake we have ever had. Thank you Ej. We love you princess.
Tomorrow Mummy akan dapat another surprise from EJ. Yang tu aku tak share...sebab I was not thinking straight masa EJ mintak duit last week. Nyesal jugak sikit sikit...but on the positive note I am glad, EJ is so persistant and sanggup berkorban for her mummy.
Macam tahun tahun sebelum her school ada buat jualan itu ini...and she asked me for money nak beli silver ring la...roses la...kad la...entah apa apa lagi la. Masa tu aku fikir membazir sebab from experienced...semua barangan to very low quality. I thought of bawak dia pi mall ke beli something nice for mummy dia. Then on Friday masa kat office...aku terfikir...what the heck...low quality ke apa long as the thought that count and mummy mesti happy jugak dapat rose from Ej...balik je aku tanya EJ biler jualan kat sekolah tu...hoping she will said next week monday...tapi she said tadi...monday dah takde dah. She asked me why asking her that question...then aku cakap la nak bagi dia duit...dia kata takpe...I have bought bla bla bla...dok siap bagi tahu harga sumer...I asked mana ambik duit? She said dia guna duit belanja sumer...and cuma makan roti canai aje. Nyesalnya rasa masa tu...I gave her duit balik untuk ganti dia kata's ok. I just want mummy to be happy. Biler bab bab ni....aku fikir yang Ej ni dah besar and pandai fikir sendiri to survive in life...tapi biler dia buat perangai kemaruk tengok tv and meleweh...aku rasa macam dia still a baby. It is not easy to be a parent kan kan kan.
Apa apa pun...aku dah hadiah kan Ej tadi a big pink luggage bag idaman long punya wish from Ej...kat parkson tadi sales...terus sambar. Another step of turning into a teenager...she wish to put all her belongings into her own luggage baq biler travel balik PD or pi jalan jalan. Layannn.
Tadi lepas attended wedding...aku tanya nak pi mana...sebut la MidValley, 1 Utama, Curve, Pavilion, KLCC...banyaknya shopping malls happening kat KL ni...kan kak long kan kan kan? Ej dok sebut 1 Utama...aku cam malas nak drive terus ke KLCC aje.
Lepas beli tiket wayang...EJ sibuk nak pi kedai favourite dia....Girls...nak beli cekak. Pastu depan kedai tu ada The Cream & Fudge Factory. Full house...and nampak menarik.
Terus singgah lepak lepak layan ice cream.
Mommy yang masih kekenyangan from the wedding...tapi picture semua tempthing.
Alamak...gambar mummy snap ni blur la.
Ej with her "create your own Ice Cream"...masa orang tu hantar...fid and I gelak giler...ntah apa apa...pastu EJ lepas rasa cakap kat mummy dia..."you won't like it...since you dont like rasberry"...memang tak sedap pun. Lariiii.
Daddy yang pandai pilih...sedap bangat strawberry & chocolate chips ni...Da'bomb. Ej merajuk lagi kena perli perli dengan daddy...kah kah kah.
Lepas layan movie...pi makan mexican food ni. Beef Enchiladas with salsa & nachos. Sedap. Tapi next time nak try Tacos pulak.
Macam barbarian nak terkam food yang sedap meletops...lariiii. Mommy & Ej layan Teppanyaki yang tak sedap...Ej thought teppanyaki ni sama cam kat Pavilion tu.
Ej's Super Mom.
Happy Mother's day Love...EJ and I are the lucky ones for having you with us...You are always A Wonderful Mom in our hearts.
wah...a very thoughtful misha ya...Thanks for teh iwsh Fend...and happy mothers' day to all!
Fend , aku tgk gambar kau ni aku kata apa yg tak kena ni macam tak mandi ajer...rupanya rambut kau dah panjang gunting cepat!
Rambut aku pendek la...Itu style muka eksotik la...kah kah kah.
kah kah kah ...a lesser man would have shrunk kalau terkena komen cam komen liz nie ...nasib baik yang kena is Fendu ...LOL ....
Happy Mother's Day to all - Liz, Fid, Eat, Reen, Lin and our readers ...
btw, dah besar anak ngko Fend - how thoughtful of her! siap making sacrifice to get her mummy a present :-)
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