Masa kat EJ's school I saw many students dok carry flowers. Each and everyone of them were smiling ear to ear. Terserlah kasih sayang yang pure at those cute faces.
Then Ej came down from the stairs. She was smiling beautifully. She pull my hands and said jom balik cepat I want to give surprise to mommy. She was so excited. Selalunya she would ask ice cream ke jajan ke but today terus laju jalan and sibuk tanya mana kereta. She wanted to show me something katanya. So dalam kereta I asked her nak dinner apa she said tak nak sebab nak terus balik umah jumpa mommy.
Ej yang tak sabar sabar nak bagi surprise to her mommy. Tengok tu siap ada 3 cards. 2 she bought and 1 she made it herself. Dia pakat dengan kawan kawan share bawa barang barang and buat card sama sama.
Fid yang tak tahu apa apa terkezut la tengok ada cards and fresh flower. Last year EJ bought flower jugak but biler bawa balik layu tapi this year bunga tu segar and cun.
Ej expressed her feelings in writing. I feel like crying.
Beautiful mother's day card hand made by EJ. Wording tu cikgu dia bagi idea katanya. But they are really beautiful words. I did do this to my mom masa kecik dulu but I hope mak knows that I love her so much. Tak sabar nak balik PD esok to celebrate mother's day dengan mak PD dan adik beradik yang lain.
Mommy yang happy dapat hadiah. But I know she has mixed feelings. At least I hope she knows that we are proud of her and YES, no doubt you are a good mommy to EJ and a good wife. We love you Mommy.
bersiap siap nak pi school tampal notice esok cuti
present from EJ
present from daddy
The best present ever from EJ. She made it her self kat Da vinci. Kan garden wedding yang we went without her tu, she attended extra class on Sunday just to do this for her mommy. I am so proud of her. She is an artist in our hearts. Fid did not know because Ej has grown up and could keep the secret savely. See the happy face of her mommy.
We love you mommy and Happy mother's day. Wish you happiness always and thank you for everything.
Happy mother's day jugak to all mommy yang baca blog ni. Enjoy your day and wish you all the best.
Thanks Love & Jessey! Korang memang the love of my life! Alhamdulillah, syukur to Allah coz He allowed me to be part of your lives... Jessey- mommy loves u sooooo much, girl! Semoga u grow up to be a beautiful girl - both at heart & face! he he he!! Love- thanks a zillion for the gift!
mmg meletop si misha ni...the boys baca posting via handphone wifi kat delifrance on saturday...aku cakap tgk misha sedaya upaya...dia org kata mummy tak hantar kiter pergi art class....pas tu afi kata mana aci cikgu bagi dia wordings...macam macam comment...sabor je lah
kah kah kah...menantu aku tu bijak berkata kata.
soooooo sweeeeeeetttttttttttttt
yup... rasa touched sgt ptg masa misha bgi the bottled art tu! tak sangka lak dia sanggup amik extra cls on sundy utk buat the art. She's such a blessings from Allah!
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