Duan said it covers mother's day, my birthday and the boys'....unbelievable package...he..he..he..layan saje....so there you go my 42" lcd full hd LG ..menanah mata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, at last after 12 years, we have the surround system installed...phew bau UK lagi...kedebom teba boh.......
perghh... kalau tgk movies yg adegan tembak2... mesti bergegau umah...
10 di skala Ritcher!!!
he he!! siok ooo!! so, biler kiter nak 'open' table mkn ikan patin tempoyak sambil nonton sinetron kat 42" lcd hang tue???
betul nak patin? kang ade yg muntah di buek nya he..he..he...
memang best...bentang toto...goreng fries dengan nugget...layan movie.
tapi half way...pak ngah belayar tidur terus.
kalau aku ada, sediakan pengat pisang, chocolate indulgence and kopi panas ....pastu tengok tv sambil borak!
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