Actually Duan ajak kite seafood kat Tanjung Lumpur-dia ada dinner with some colleaques sana, Kuantan punya seafood spot-- tapi dah cakap kat the boys nak gi East Coast Mall so malas nak tukar2--besides cam tak shiok nak join dinner orang...
This is my story of our tasteless dinner last nite...Just a note to all, ive lost my appetite for the past one to two week...macam boring ajer nak makan. Last nite, Adib took his pick , i just followed!
First of all, i made a wrong order...Adib asked for Mango snow sorbet, i ordered blackcurrant sorbet---
bila sampai i was like eksen eksen cakap "dik, kite tak order ni, ni apa?"..the waitress jawap " ni blackcurrant sorbet"..Aimran pulak cepat menyampuk , "mummy, mummy yg order 115 instead of 116"...alamak...sorry ya dik and we laughed...kah..kah..kah...

The boys cakap Blackcurrant tu tak sedap...kite tak rasa...sebab ais kan---kite kan pantang!
Then Afi punya chicken chop...
my god teruk sgt...nampak sauce dia tu..what is that? we looked at each other and laughed again...I took out my BB nak snap a picture...Afi terus tegur " mummy jangan tangkap lah buat malu ajer"...aku lagi ketawa..."kena lah mummy nak buat posting on lousy food"

Then afi tanya, "mummy nak try tak chicken chop dgn plain water, tak saucy langsung" and he laughed..even the fries pun tak sedap lemau macam hapa.....dalam pada tu habis jugak chicken tu...ku semangat anak aku...tak membazir , bagus lah tu , kan?
I ordered kuey teow ladna...
Afi tolong pilih...Adib tried some and stopped, i had 2-3 feedings and stopped was like wueekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... separuh pinggan terbiar, kalau ada Abah mmg kena marah lah...sukahati membazir, tak baik dong!

Pas tu tomyam was hot....
Aimran shared with Adib...Aimran complained jugak "orang ajak gi Secret Recipe makan tomyam kong nak jugak datang sini"....I had a sip entah apa rasa tak erti nak tafsir, i bet kat Thailand pun tak de tomyam macam tu...meremang bulu roma

Penyudah nya lepas makan tu ..Afi, " mummy kite gi starbuck lah"..and we did...tapau dessert..

It was worst dinner ever......really tasteless but we had a great time laughing all night!!

Ayoo...kalau kiter datang Kuantan jangan dera bawa sini ye...tengok gambar pun tak lalu...uweekkk.
Kami lak went for lunch kat food court Setiawangsa...memasing macam kena paksa makan...the taste...OMG...macam makanan asrama kat pulau jerjak...semua tak habis makan...membazir.
hahahaha ...kueteow tu nampak very tak menyelerakan ...tersiksa aku tengok gambar2 tu ...
kah..kah..kah...ada pulak perumpamaan makanan asrama pulau jerjak lol...tengok sauce chicken chop tu...gila betul!
"sauce" chicken chop tu yang paling hebat ...only in Kuantan kot LOL ...trauma ajer aku tengok
before it was ok...tu aku ingat maybe tukar chef kot
tumpang lalu...tgk pic all the food mmg x menyelerakan...
its ok..lin akan direct komplen kat owner nye ye...
hazel kenal the owner ke? Jangan sedara sudah ouchhhhhhhhhhhh
hehhehe...x pe...kita komplen tuk kebaikkan...mybe ade mana2 yg diorang terlepas pandang....and serah bulat2 kat pekerja...
* anyway dh inform the owner..and diorang wish tq for the info...
P & C....hehehhe
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