Malam semalam nightmare, i actually worked until very late tetiba rasa cam seram2, abg duan pulak outstation ke Rompin..penyudahnya, it was past midnite when i called bibik and requested her to accompany me (and Adib) inside my bedroom. ..pesan dia kalau dgr kite jerit, tlg kejutkan.
Tak sedar pukul berapa bibik dtg kejut.. "buk buk bangun" ...alhamdulillah...most of the time i was half awaked in my nightmare but i cant "raise" myself . Some call this "kena tindih"...macam tulah tak bernafas rasa..dah biasa dr sekolah lagi, entah jin apa ikut aku ni....That's my fear factor...takut sangat tidur sorang. Itu pun dah habis buka lampu, pun jadi jugak...doa jangan ceriterlah....i think i have read somewhere, scientifically, it is a sign of exhausation--i like to believe this than "kena tindih"...
Anyway back to the title , ...dalam 20 lebih hari of my pantang, i treat myself with hair relaxer which has been postponed during pregnancy.
Reason being it was mentioned in the pregnancy website that hair treatment is not encouraged until the 3rd trimester, there is no scientific proof whatsoever but the concern is on the hair chemical. So I thought i wait until 36 week and more or less I did lah....just in a different shape! Lega my tarzan hair was finally gone :)
Anyway back to the title , ...dalam 20 lebih hari of my pantang, i treat myself with hair relaxer which has been postponed during pregnancy.

******seawal tidak akak sampai the hair salon--tak sempat lah hair dresser tu nak breakfast*******
I think that's the end of my "pantang" sequel...today is my 43 days after delivery so officially dah over.
Tak delah kang org nak komen heii dalam pantang lagi...Again lega..macam mengeliat di pagi hari arrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..
Tak delah kang org nak komen heii dalam pantang lagi...Again lega..macam mengeliat di pagi hari arrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..
This afternoon, went to Megamall with Aimran to fetch Afi after his bowling session (school co-curriculum activity) and they "pau" me again --so this was our tea today...

By the way, this is my first tudung syria -- Aimran kata tembam sgt lah muka mummy pakai tudung ni....totally agree with him...nampak tak akak ada jerawat atas dahi...remaja sungguh kulit aku ni...at this age baru nak keluar...layan........................

Kejap je dah abih pantang. Boleh la balun food. Real food orng kata. Bukan rabbit food. Lol.
apa punya gambar kat salon tu ...cam kosong ajer ...emelkan gambar rambut baru .. adik beradik nak komen hehehehe
and yes, makan jgn tak makan ...selamat keluar pantang!
tudung tu menyerlahkan pipi and dahi ngko ..so, nampak sket kebulatan :-)
i can never wear tudung syria. sohih tombam bertan-tan...
anyway, selamat abis pantang... hehehe...
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