Ok this is sequel to drama "Pantang" kite...
Other than body healing and mentekedarah...and working of course .............my main activity during this confinement is expressing my breastmilk...kerja paling suci dalam dunia..he..he..he..
Alhamdulillah breastmilk supply ok jadi i am able to start right away from day 2 of delivery..Jadi ini lah kerja kite...I started with hand lepas tu pakai pump...Memang you have to start massaging with hand first to stimulate the breast oopss...the milk vein kot!

The breast pump I am using is from Pureen, and it is good. Dulu I used Avent, for some reason it was not as good as this Pureen but Avent dulu tu was hand-pump , yang Pureen ni guna battery ...perhaps that is where the difference comes from.

Bila breast feeding ni kena jaga makan jugak maka sebab itu lah kite makan lobak putih, susu segar, hocklicks.....but i still take my coffee because coffee is my "candu" ...only one mug a day 3/4 warm water +1/4 of fresh milk... Basically whatever you eat becomes ingredients to your milk jadi pandai2 lah...follow your common sense, kalau tak erti, tanya !
Semalam I overheard sorang mak ni kena stop expressing sebab doctor nak dia stop amik jelly gamat, dia org suspect anak dia berak2 sebab jelly gamat...so break for 2-3 days baru boleh express semula her breastmilk...
Kesian kite dengar because i cant imagine how she handles breast engorgement...bengkak tetek..many says sakit beranak tu boleh tahan lagi, kalau bengkak tetek mmg pengsan...kalau dah bengkak sangat, nak express pun sakit tak express lagi lah sakit...boleh menetek netek air mata dan mengetip ngetip bibir...sabar lah kak senah!
Best advice, create a schedule and follow religiously and express sehingga ke titisan terakhir jangan ngelat ngelat penat atau malas....bayang kan baby tu ( if you dont get the chance to nurse your baby directly like in my situation) dan perah dan perah.....
I miss Aariz....
sekali pandang, aku ingat cam ada pudding or dadih inside that freezer! Bagus lah ...banyak supply for Mat Aariz ....
ye macam dadih kan...
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