Abang fend kite dengan seikhlas hati tanya since when i cahnged the equation "happiness= money+shopping"...jahat sungguh...i am not that bad lah bro...sikit sikit ajer... :)
And another friend posted a comment saying "nothing is wrong if happiness is found in handbags and make up"..., ha..ha..ha...she read between the lines...LOL and that reminds me that i have 2 new handies which i have not posted here...and actually nor that i've used it! I just dont have that pregnancy glow , everything that i put on be it handbag etc just looks horrible in the mirror...so i kept the bags in the closet!
i) Coach Madison shoulder bag-

yes, at last...Lega rasa jiwa dan raga :)
Fend and Ejin, remember when i told you guys that Duan asked me what do i want for my last birthday and i answered " entahlah"...for that i got NOT A THING or NOTHING--well my husband is one of those who do not read between the lines... "A" kau cakap "A" lah tafsiran nya... Opps.s..he did MMS a Coach when he was outstationed though, but i turned down the offer... If it's a suprise i would accept it with love tapi since dah tunjuk biarlah akak pilih sendiri:D
So that was what i did during previous trip down to KL----
ii) Electric Blue Liz Clairborne --
ni on 70%, there were green, yellow and blue--i chose blue, for some reason i am so into electric blue for the past few months..macam terpanah mata!

I am yet to use both...i think i'll take the blue LC out this weekend lah...well, my dear friend is so right.. "we do find happiness in handbags"
teraaaaaaa for now :)
teraaaaaaa for now :)
at the moment, tgh kawal diri dari beli handbag... hehe... sbb yg ada ni pun, tak terpakai.
love that electic blue colour! Very eye-catching lah ...
betul lah Mard...berkali macam tu tapi nampak kang, macam boleh ajer cari reason to back up the need to have another one....
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