Well , yes under normal circumtances kan? ...but believe me, after given birth to a soul, you wish you can swap this emptiness with all that....kalau di pikir pikirkan memang rasa sangat lagilah dengan Aariz being a premie, thank Allah I have my other boys who kept me busy yelling and laughing, and I also have been working all along...people in my office said i am being ridiculous to work during confinement but seriously i need to keep myself occupied or I'll die with boredom. Besides, i didnt get a chance to teach anybody and being in a lean organisation, there's only ME AND ME so it's ME who need to ensure my work is done...Not a complaint, i do love my job :)
Ok back to my confinement....the food...of course no fancy food is allowed--contoh fancy food ni boleh refer to my co writers' posting--
..food utk pantang ni semua pun bakar and soup...and as i had C section , tambah lah lagi to avoid food yg bagi nanah like telur??? and ayam sebab boleh buat gatal???? the truth is, kite tak berapa nak percaya benda2 macam ni...tapi kite ikut ajer --no harm done --for breakfast i had 2 toast with white coffee....condensed milk tak boleh, guna fresh milk ajer...(in the spirit to increase my milk supply)
Contoh contoh makanan berpantang saya adalah seperti di bawah:
1) White raddish soup -- katanya boleh increase breastmilk maka kite makan ajer..

2) ikan masak steam, ikan bakar and sayur with garlic -- untuk goreng goreng guna lah olive oil

(3) Grilled Salmon - yg ni alternate dgn mackarel....mackarel sekarang rasa sedap , dulu kat UK macam nak muntah kan mackarel? Ni specially cooked by Chef Duan in the spirit utk menyihatkan aku ...cuke cangat !

Gambar ni ehsan dari posting EJin...
I only followed this food restriction for like 2 weeks...i think in was in week 2, the doctors mixed my breastmilk with formula for Aariz. They said my milk is not thick enough and also adviced me not to limit myslef to certain food. That was the GREEN LIGHT !! Jangan salah kan kite, kite suci je hati nya ...LOL
Next is body healing...here comes the
(1) 3 day massaging and "mandi serom"-- mandi serom is bathing with all sort of leaves like serai, sirih etc etc... the truth is i have no idea what other leaves are--redha jer lah...mixed together with warm water and smells more or less like tomyam :)
(2) barut and jamu -
i use the Nona Roguy Postnatal package- I am a loyal customer. However, to date I am yet to consume the jamu and the herbal tea, i just do not want to take any risk...i know they are ok with normal term baby. For this round I'll wait until Aariz is a little bigger!

As for barut I use from day5 after delivery, according to the instruction if we had caesarian we have to wait after 14 days but i just cant bear seeing perut terbarai macam apa jadi kite pakai ajer barut tu cuma ikat longgar sikit lah. After 2 weeks , i bought myself Triumph Body Corset, in the spirit untuk jadi Saloma...ha..ha..ha..
(3) Extract Ginger Lotion
- this is new, never used this in the previous confinement - tak dicipta lagi masa tu. I use the lotion on my tummy, thighs and feet. For the thighs and feet, i also do wrapping with cling film. Wrapping keeps the heat longer and insyallah more fat will be burnt..ha..ha..ha..Itu yang kite terus suggest ke sahabat kite di Sarawak tu ! Semoga kecut lah apa yg patut wahahahahaha...

The day before delivery I was 63kg, less than 21 days after labour i was down to 54kg...and it stays sampai sekarang....my normal weight before pregnnacy was 51 to 52kg jadi ada 2-3 kilos to shed...berat tu macam dah turun banyak tapi perut dgn peha still NALAAAAA.... ( nala tu means besau lahhhhhhhhhh)
Oklah kite sambung di lain masa dan hari ya...take care folks!
Ayoo..pengsan tgk lauk pauk tu. Aku dulu pantang lepas surgery makan ikan bilis dgb ayamgoreng lada hitam...sedap bgt. No haruan haruan...tak lalu.
Mujarab ke nko siap dgn cling foil tu?
aku rasa better dgn wrapping sebab rasa panas tu tahan lama...kalau sapu gitu ajer lama sikit rasa sejuk ada...
org pantang lah op[eration makan ayam...kalau ayam kampung ok..ikan bilis goreng kicap pun lauk pantang aku jugak
kicap mana boleh...nanti bekas jahitan warna hitam.
aku tengok gambar first terus nak pengsan! Sup lobak putih???? i hate lobak putih ...so tasteless hahahaha ...yang seterus nya like grilled salmon or makerel tu ok lah ...boleh diterima ...haruan tetap NO NO NO ...
yes - lotion tu panas kejap if takde wrapping ...hehehe maksudnyer aku dah try le!
korang songgel lah dah nama nya sakit org kasi apa pun makan ajer lah...itu pun aku dah banyak mengelat..he..he..kicap boleh buat parut hitam?? jangan lah kau nak buat cite gitu...antara benda2 yg tak leh di terima dek akal
chehhhhhh ejin dah strat wrappin cool !!! lepas ni beli body corset ok...pakai body corset pas tu dgn engkau jalan berlenggang kiri kanan...waduhhhh lari students he..he..he..
corset??? kang tak bernafas aku! semput terus ...LOL
lobak putih tu bukan ke berbau kureng sikit? buat soup some more...no no no for me.
kicap kan colour hitam...kah kah kah...so logic la parut pun jadi hitam.
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