Among other things, I love bedding--love to shop for bedding. Basically i change my bedding at least once forthnightly-- so i can say my stock is quite a number.... and it started all the way back to those days we were in the UK...we used quilt/duvet in the UK so most of the bed covers brought back from there are all quilt covers... Single quilt cover masa uni yg girly banyak tersimpan ingat kot nak handdown to a daughter--sekali tengok tote je semua nak buat camno :)
The thing with quilt, you have to replace them after a considerable period because it thinning...kalau dah thin macam nan apa ajer nampak nya..and it becomes difficult to straighten it on the bed. Jadi I prefer comforter..kalau kite lanyak lanyak boleh straight semula dgn cepat , kalau quilt kena kibas and letak bersungguh2--I am a freak about katil ni kalau bukan malam and lepas duduk duduk , mmg kena tarik bagi tegang baru lega hati aku!
Apa aku cite ni??? Ok kite nak cite ni...i think end of last year kot, for some reason i remembered my quilt cover beli tahun 1996..masa tu nak mom asked me to buy one from UK so I's a white embroidered quilt cover set--
masa bawak balik tu my mom terkedu... "mende lah kau beli putih sgt ni" --

i was like "ingat nak white wedding" LOL--
jenuh my mom pikir nakk letak labuci lah itu ini....
and i was like "macammana nak tidur dgn labuci ni??" -- kah..kah..kah...kelakar pulek...we ended up using alas lain utk my wedding which was put on top of this white cover!
Ok balik semula ke akhir tahun lepas, kite pun cuci dan pakai...
see molek lagi mmg ada quality...--this is my favourite--Malam tu tidur mimpi kat UK...trauma mimpi tu sebab i cant decide whether i was in the UK ke IM (indera mahkota), and me in the dream wanted so much to be in IM--pelik jugak tu emmmmmm

ive been looking for white comforter plain lama dah tapi payah nya nak jumpe....most of the time jumpa quilt cover aje...and kat Kuantan ni, Parkson ajer tempat kite --very limited choice...sekali dgn kuasa tuhan, my neighbour dtg rumah cakap dia jual Akemi-- terus kite tanya ada plain off-white tak?---she got one yellowish white comforter and that is my new year bedding---suka !

LAst 2 weeks...went to Aussino...ada sales banyak...ternampak pulak single bedsheet on 60% discount...gembira tak??? gembira lah.. i was with Afi...He chose the gray bedsheet, i picked the one with blue--told him that we have to get identical bedsheet cover for his rooms--seboleh boleh dia nak yg gray...degil betul...
i was complaining "warna tu suram mandom mcm tak de happiness" ,
he replied me " biar afi muram dan tak happy"--
punya degil tu-- sakit sungguh hati!
then kite kata " lain kali lah beli yg gray tu"
dia jawap "mummy setahun pun payah sekali beli bedding kite"-
-lagi sekali aku sakit hati...
Bertikam lidah lah kite berdua disaksikan salesgirls--
last last after quite a while--the sales girl yg mulia ni interrupted, "yg 60% tinggal ini ajer satu satu"...

And we laughed...... afi cakap "penat kite gaduh" ...LOL
lawak lawak...aku kalau masalah nak gaduh gaduh dengan misha..aku pi beli sendiri...pastu balik bagi kat dia...nah. tak payah gaduh...terpaksa dia terima je. LOL.
aku jln weekend aje and dah pasti ada all d boys--degil sungguh menurun sapa tah ?
kah kah kah ....salesgirls tu saja nak tengok sapa yang akan menang kot ...biler tengok dua2 tak nak mengalah, baru dia bagitau LOL
tapi kes bedding tu memang! Ngko mmg pantang kalau bedsheet tak straight kah kah kah ....especially bedding org bilik sebelah kiter LOL (siapakan itu????)
Kena tukar tajuk ni -- Lawak Semasa membeli Bedding' ahaks!
Penyakit bedding liz tak leh kedut or tak straight tu dia setongkang dengan room mate eat sorang lagi. Teka sape. ha ha ha
must be org Kent lah :)..Marina kemas..i like!
hahahaha ...apa cerita Marina? Dia still kat NZ lagi ke?
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