From Dec until now,
(1)I have undergo an operation ,
(2)been working through out my maternity-seriously.. the only break i had was when i was hospitalised for 3days --and that continues until today--not a single day leave--maybe a day or so but definitely less than 3 days,
(3) i am confined in this town named "kuantan"
and for the past 1 month and a half,
(4) sleepless nites--the longest interval is 3 hours, shortest is 1.5hour--that's how often baby boys feed at nite
(5) at times, i feel like i am being shut away from the world............
All in all...i am exhausted. Physically and emotionally , i am just tired...To think about it, I have a feeling that is how "meroyan" came is not about hantu or sampukan entah apa apa--it's purely exhaustion--we are just human, who are we kidding?
In the spirit to be a good mother, a nice wife, a dedicated worker--women tend to swallow everything--it is tough being a woman! We cant just pack and say, "guys , i need a break- see u in a week time" --- we just cant do that, can we? why???? i dont know... I do feel bad having this sort of feeling, feel like i am a wicked mother..bad mom.... of my medications to heal my inner self is shopping--frankly there's nothing to shop in Kuantan--(sorry Kuantanese)-- and that's worsen my emotion...However, I just need to heal myself and make myself feel that i am worthful (after feeling wicked etc etc) so that was what i did 2 weeks ago...i spent..
1) Bought myself 5 tudungs from Ariani...2 pieces of 2-layer chiffon, 2 pieces of tudung syria and 1 tudung tiara

2) Bought "A Doctor in the House" and 3 series from Tony Parson

3) a pair of Spectacles--can u see the initial D-that what attracts me--sib baik ada designer spec kat Kuantan kalau tak mmg aku muntah tengah bandar! Jahat kan? Memang kadang2 the evil inside me keluar ....

It did boast my spirit quite a bit---rewards to myself--for the little cutie I brought to this world
(ni muka nak tidur sangat mat aariz)

and for the past 3 months which has been challenging to me.
Having said all that...I am thankful for my husband who shares the duty and I am thankful for Bibik who takes up all the house chores..........
May Allah bless me and all the women on this planet earth!
Waahhh.. comel nye Aariz buat muka ngantuk camtu.. Bulat dah sekrg..
Liz, well said about the 'trials & tribulation of a mother'
Comelnya aariz dok diam camtu. Camne ekk biler dia nangis. Berkerut muka kot.
Tsunami Sales akan melanda KL. Jom jom jom...kit shopping shopping dan shopping. Pavilion and mid valley dok melambai panggil Liz dtg shopping.
thank you thank you thank you miss Eat...
nampak kan mata dia macam di alam maya...tengah nak tidur sgt tu
geram tgk pipi dia tu.
rasa cam nak cubit2 pipi Aariz ...chubby and cute ....
aku dengar chores ngko pun dah dapat rasakan how tiring your schedules are ...aku yang sekali sekala ajer duku help to jaga Airell masa dia berumur 2 months till now pun rasa penat, ini kan pula 24 hours ...but you take the good with the bad, nak dapat yang baik2, yang bagus2 harus kena melalui this trials and tribulation of motherhoods ...
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