Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine's Day

Heiii.........while writing that Fin Dev Day, i was watching E! news and they were giving preview on "Valentines Day" the movie...among the star casts are the enduring beauty Julia Robert and Bradley Cooper :)---that is like an answer from heaven lah guys!

And after posted the other entry, saw the advert about the movie from NuffNang here in this click folks and check on the trailer...mmg suka lagi meyukai lah...

Tengok ada berape banyak Stars in the movie...

It's definitely definitely a must watch BUT>>>>>>>>>>>>what is the classification ha? PG ke apa ...tapi macam tak sesuai nak bawak the boys kan???
Walaweeiiiiii ....most probably i have to wait for the DVD lah pulek.....

So Valentine's Day is a round the corner...i bet all knows the history that came along with the celebration is just kind of sweet to receive wishes and of course flowers from our loved ones...., kan? It is not like we are cherishing the love of whoever the couple were ..

I always love Valentine's decoration ---red---very heartwarming...

To be honest we dont really into celebrating Valentine's Day but I just think it is ok if you feel like it! So Happy V day folks! Kind of early kan ...kang luper pulek....
and especially to Eat and his guy, happy anniversary....


fendifid said...

kira ni hadiah posting untuk Eat dengan richie la ni. Nak tunggu Eat buat sendiri posting...bukan haus lagi dah...pengsan kekeringan terus.

Anyway..too early nak wish diorang...tunggu next week la.

And..wajib tonton ni sebab ada Julia Roberts.

Ritchie said...

Guys.....kasihani lah si Eat ni... bizi & penat memanjang. hehehe
tungguuuuu la lepas bulan Mac nanti.

Ejin said...

Eat punya anniversary masa Valentine ke? nape aku tak tau ....Eat, jgn lupa buat posting nanti yea ..

Eat said...

AMBOI!!! Sedapnye kutuk aku haus lah. kekeringan lah.. pengsanlah!! Kejam kejam..

Ejin, aku maafkan kau walaupun tak ingat Valentine's day tu.. walaupun kau dtg rumah aku (1day earlier).. tu lagi afdal lagi mereka2 yg tak datang .. esp si fendu..

Alasan Fendu.. SESAT!!

fendifid said...

macam mana tak sesat...dengan alamat pun takde kat nko masa tu tengah sibuk di andam...tak jawab phone.

nak salahkan kak long pun tak leh...sebab ada emergencykan. anggap la...takde rezeki. ha ha ha.

Liz Duan said...

kan fendi ....
tapi kan kalau buat anniversary celebration dgn "lela" hati loh kite semua pergi...gitu!

pengsan kekeringan trauma lah kah..kah..kah..

Ejin said...

oooo now aku ingat ...tapi bukan jumpa kat rumah ngko masa tu...the day before tu aku jumpa ngko kat stesen minyak somewhere kat Gombak rasa nya ....

but, like liz said, kalau buat anniversary celebration - aku pon sanggup pi utk memeriahkan lagi majlis ...

Liz Duan said...

adooiiii tragis nya jumpe kat stesen minyak

Ejin said...

aku nak ke Penang masa tu rasanya ...tapi at least jumpa eat ..hehehe daripada tak jumpa ..kah kah kah ...(batu api)

Eat said...

stesen minyak??? Mushkilnye..