Thursday, February 11, 2010


If people ask you "Are we frens?". How would you answer? Friends ni kan very subjective topic. How do you define orang ni frens and orang ni bukan frens?

To me...fens is not just a word with a definition. Frens is a word comes with action. That's why aku kenal ramai orang but only some I would consider as frens. Kalau takat kenal satu office ke, satu sekolah ke, satu college ke...pastu what's going on with orang tu...aku langsung tak tahu. Camne nak classified as frens?

Same thing jugak...if orang tu tak tahu apa apa pasal aku...entah camne dia boleh classified me as their frens? Musykil kan. Takat Hi Hi Bye Bye biler berselisih jumpa...camne nak upgrade jadi frens?

What ever it is...yang penting...Musuh jangan di cari. Berkawan biar seribu, berkasih biar satu. Isteri kalau tak mampu biar la 1...kalau mampu...biarlah 4. Lariiiiii.

Better to have several quality frens rather than thousands of "Semak". Bila ketawa baru nampak muka bila nko sedih entah mana diorang ni...itu la maksud "Semak". Kah kah kah. Kalau aku ajar BM...sure anak murid aku fail karangan.

Persoalan lagi I in your frens list? If I am not...what is lacking in order for me to be in the list? Similarly...are you in my frens list? Apakah? Tepuk dada tanya selera. Tepuk meja tangan nko yang sakit.

Persoalan we have to have many frens? end of the day...when you need help or you are in trouble...who do you turn to for support and help? frens or family?

If you are my fren...what do you expect from me? As a fren of yours...what is my expectation pulak?
Too many questions to answer...but 1 thing for my fren...I would aspect you to sedekah al fatihah if I die before you. Yang lain lain...aku tak terfikir lagi. Layannnn.


Liz Duan said...

kau tebiat ke hape ni kah..kah..kah..kah...of course no doubt 100% we are friends...kutuk sikit ngumpat sikit but still here ever ready phone, sms, physically..yg mana mampu..we have a long history together..dari umur berapa.. 18?? sampai sekarang sweet 30sth...dari sewa kete ke PD sampai newscastle sampai Malaysia....jauh tu .....

About al fatihah tu...up sikit lah baca Yasin...ok !

Ejin said...

ntah nyer fendu ...buang tabiat ke hapa ntah ngko nie!

kalau ngko tak consider aku fren, aku tak tau le nak kata apa ...kan kan kan ...mcm kak long kata, dah lama kenal, sampai mcm adik beradik dah pon...

and aku pon nak pesan, kalau aku dah takde nanti, baca jugak utk aku ok ...

Eat said...

Opps! Lama tak bukak blog..

Buang tebiat fesyen apa kau ni fendu!!!