Nak buka buah nie tak yah pakai pisau...just guna tangan aje! That's why aku suka sebab masa kecik2 aku boleh makan sendiri tanpa suruh or tunggu my parents to open one for me! Kat dalamnya is all these tiny biji2 ...you makan aje bahagian yang putih tu - manis (but ada gak yang tawar!) and buang biji kat dalam .....

adik beradik tiri cempedak kot?
tak penah tgk buah ni.
tapi rupe cam cempedak cume cempedak kaler kuning....
jauh kecik dari cempedak ...aku pun tak pernah jumpa masa kat semenanjung
yes, macam cempedak...take rti lah tak pernah tengok ni kat semenanjung
kalau tak silap aku pernah bawak balik 2-3 biji masa kat PPP dulu ...ngko, eat and sha kata tak pernah nampak before that ....
tapi ngko sure tak ingat...al-maklum urat putus!
amende yg cam 'ulat' kat luar kuilt tue?? (1st photo)
dia punya bulu lahhhh ...bukan ulat ...apa lah cik fid nie! itu yang dia komen dulu
tak pernah try jugak. boleh post tak?
jarang jumpa la beb - and it's fragile. Kalau post yang belum berapa masak ok je coz my dad selalu buat kat aku masa aku kerja kat shah alam dulu. But jarang jumpa yang macam tu - selalu dijual yang dah masak ranum ...
where can i find this fruit in sarawak. i used to eat this fruit when i was 2 - 3 years old kid. That time my family were living in upriver of Batang Ai. but since we moved to to sibu (urban area) i've not find this fruit again.. what a sham.. Pls email me at danialjeo@yahoo.com if u got idea.!
i miss Buah Pedalai and Buah Isu. Tell me wher can i find this fruit in sarawak..
Hi Primekeen,
It is still widely available in Serian area and Sri Aman area ...I always get these fruits at Serian's Tamu Market ..but it is seasonal. I am not sure when is the season though.
Thanks Ejin, what a memory would it be to have these fruits (pedalai&isu) again..Since you said so(available in Serian) , i'd love to check it out someday..
No problem ...i love those fruits as well ..know the feeling!
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