alang-alang aku dok cakap pasal my latest addiction, might as well buat posting about this nursery ...my parents suka pi this nursery when they are looking for new plants untuk ditanam...we always go Emil's Garden ...kat area2 Jalan Stephen Yong ..jalan towards Bau (pronounced as Ba-uuk) gitu ...actually my mum pernah beli pasu and plants from this guy masa padawan fest kot a few years back...masa aku mula2 pindah kuching dulu ...then a year later we terdiscover this nursey masa sedang jalan2 cari something else ...biler mak aku kuar keta je this guy terus panggil aunty ..aunty ..bla bla bla ...dia ingat lagi mak aku rupanya ...and masa tu we were looking for hibiscus ...and it is cheaper here, service great - very friendly! from then on, kami selalu pi tempat nie ...last time we went there last month ...i managed to get a few plants..yang malangnya dah nak mati sebab tak ku siram these last few days!

Cis...nko ni tak serik serik...hari bunuh kucing...ni pulak bunuh pokok
eeee jahat punya komen ...kucing tu accidental...pokok nie masih boleh diselamatkan, sebabnyer my parents akan balik this weekend ...diorang tu kira doktor pokok tau!
kah...kah...kah...killer in the run....larikkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
cantik uuuu...... bunga-bunga tu!!!beli kat mana?! beli kat mana?!
bagilah tahu......
aku bukan pembunuh!!!!!!!
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