About a month ago we helped a friend to sell brooches from Sabah...They were sold like hot cakes, ...Personally I think the design is exclusive and the stones are different from what we normally see ...I ended up with 2 for myself but the truth is I want more - jadinya tak untung meniaga kah...kah..kah...For business purposes, Duan was in Sabah last week and these what I got ...I called this as sixth sense or telepathic connection.......he..he...from now on I will be like "Miss-one-pin-a-day" kind of fashion....

cantik kan brooch sabah ... masa aku pi aku beli earing and bracelet je ...brooch tak gitu minat le aku
i bet mesti cantik...aku earring tak pakai...bracelet ok jugak...next time aku telepathic kan gambaran lain pulak...
lizzzzz....fendu busy ke this weekend ...blog dia dah bersawang! dah le lama tak dengar dia komen kan ...hehehehe ...
P/S aku ambik alih tugas fend this weekend utk bagi komen pasal blog bersawang :-))
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