*suara sangat serak dan hati sangat gumbira*
It was 1st July 2009, Me and my other half managed to escape the dark side of life to watch Anuar live at IB.. Actually, this was my second time watching him perform life, 3yrs back to be precise at MBSA Auditorium.. obviously my expectation differ now that it's Istana Budaya we're takling about..
Since me & Ina sampai awal, singgah solat dulu. Terkezut coz the surau was filled to the brink of ladies of our age, some noticeably older hahaha.. yikes!! Ina was saying , abis lah jatuh maruah kita if someone we knew nampak.. hehehehehe...
It was like 30mins before maghrib.. all those tortured souls had to wait for maghrib.. funny view coz semua dressing maut punya siap makeup bagai but bertelekung..
Luckily after solat, at the entrance arena, dah penuh .. fuh!! nasib baik ada GUYS jugak~~ A lot!! mind you.. Sambil do people watching thingy, suddenly, terserempak dengan my sis in law, K Hally and Nol, Wan's nephew.. What a small world! Of all places.. saba je lah!!

Am glad that my kids didn't get to see me clapping, gasping, screaming and singing at the top of my voice and generally swooning at the very sight of Anuar Zain.

And am so glad too that they didn't get to me waving my hands up in the air and whoohoo-ing every time Anuar look at my way. Tak leh nak imagine kalau kita semua ada sekali.. hahahaha!!!!
More pics..

Ni masa dia nyanyi kain pelikat.. tapi arrangement dah tukar..
By the way, the pics was imported, yg mine tak sempat download.. sekeping aje pon, tu pun kat luar, since strictly no hp, camera whatsoever dlm tu.. once nampak je lcd on, ada red laser pointed at you from IB 'guards'. kalau yg degil tu, they'll come down and hail the bright torchlight at you.. Duh!!
This one's my fav..

Hmm.. yummy!
Wow...sound like someone had a great time.
ape nak jatuh maruahnya..??duh!!!!!!!kau retard betul lah hooray rabak macam tu kah...kah...kah....memang the atmosphere when observing Anuar belt out his hits mmg giler...i agree...it is actually the melody and the lyris..cintun tak ingat punya but of course with his soothing voice...kire lengkap lah...lepas tu dgn wardrobe dia yg gosok baik punya crispy tucked in ...
Aku nearly nearly nak pergi... my friends tengok internet ade 3 seats...lepas call tanya tengok sekali lagi habis...yg tinggal ahmad nawab...?????????? tolongs lah! kah...kah...kah...
stand by for next year.....sold out semanjang lah dia ni...rakus wanita wanita melayu ni kah...kah...kah....
Tapikan kalau aku tengok lama lama muka si anuar zain esp teh first pic tu...nak munt pulak aku...cheek bone tu berkilat ..pelezzzzzzzzzzzz
TIDAK meminati beliau...
(to the power of infinity)
but my younger sis, is a huge fan of his. always asks me to buy for her his albums, but i always jawab 'tak kuase!'... hehehe... the one thing yg i won't do for her.
mard, go and buy lelaki ini...senyap senyap lah jgn bagi org nampak ....then hang dengarlah..tak berhantu tak tahu lah he..he...he..
ahmad nawab ok pe.. tiket RM25 jer.. nanti aku bagi hadiah kat kau yek!!
Liz: bak kata my foster son,
no tenchu...
ask my youngest bro or any of my present or former students...
the moment lagu mamat tu kuaq radio, i will:
"tutup radio tu!"
mard...sila la korek telinga. lepas tu baru try listen lagu dia.
korek telinga: no hal.
dgr lagu dia? no tenchu...
ishhh... anak bujang pak zain nih! makin lama aku tgk makin 'cun' lak! ahaks!!!
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