This was few weeks back...Duan brought home 2 live "ayam kampung" (chicken)...he used to tell me that he knows how to slaughter chicken and skin them off or clean them for cooking...and this is actually my first time witnessing the act.....

Bibik helped to hold the chicken.....

the chicken final final strike...


it does look easy skinning the chicken...since we dont eat the skin ( as far as possible we try not to -except for kfc), we dont need to use boiled water to pluck the feathers...

it was like a few zap here and there and it's done!
hehehe.... we all hantar kat tempat semelih ayam je (the owner is my dad's friend).
the reason? my parents, my sister (yes, the doctor) and my youngest bro sume jenis tak leh tgk darah.
buleh pitam...
sikit2 takpe (like tercalar), but if banyak...ada la muka yg pucat 5-6 macam. hehehe...
me, setakat ni, takde that problem
camne jadi doktor tak leh tgk darah? pelik tu
kijam nye korang ni.. kalau akulah.. tak makan dah ayam tu.
aku tak leh tengok kalau mcm tu ...cepat kesian ..aku prefer ayam yang dah ready cam kat supermarket tu!
now we know why Datuk D is the tokey ayam!!!
malang nya Datin L tu takut tengok ayam dan geli bau tahi ayam!
aku mane takut dgn ayam...aku alergic bau tahi ayam jer...he..he..he...i love ayam kampung
ishh..standard ler tu Ejin- apa yg Datuk2 suke.. selalunya Datin2 tak suke!!! Kan Datin, kan???
byk lah songgel!
kah kah kah ....
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