When we reached at the cafe, terkezut a bit sebab tgk it is more like mamak stall but the furniture cam kopitiam concept. Someone asked the waiter...what do you have in cendol special? Ada kacang, cincau, pulut, kacang merah, tapai...semua ada katanya si waiter tu. Terus la ordered the cendol special and that someone tu said..."no sharing sharing aaaa".
We ordered 1 cendol special, 1 cendol with red beans and 1 cendol biasa. When the waiter came with the cendols..we all burst...laughing like nobody business. Tukang order cendol special pun join sama gelak. Camni la rupanya cendol special tu. Rupa cam apa yek? Kasi up sikit the imagination.
Akhirnya cendol biasa je habis. Cendol with kacang merah tu...kacang merah sume kena letak tepi. Keras sesado. Cendol special tu...finished half je.
Opss...ada cerita lagi. Owner cendol special ordered rojak mi jugak. But the waiter forgot to pass the order. Terus we cancelled cepat cepat....paid the cendols and we left. Someone yang hungry tu...terpaksa la tahan lapar sampai dinner.
Moral of the story..."biler la nak pi makan cendol kat jonker street ni lagi???"
dah bertahun tak makan cendol.
coz the cendol reminds me of...
bende yg kuar from our nose when we selseme.
itu lah sedap mard...tak caya tanya bebudak yang slurpppp...kasi sapu guna lidah before mak dia sempat lap dengan tisu.
gross!!!!!!!!!!kita org rajin jugak mencendol..kat pakcik jual kat rumah...adib cendol, afi cendol, aimran abc, duan abc...as for me a little bit of both...
tapi cendol kau tu mmg nampak semacam
i love cendol ...but that one look gross le febd ...tak sanggup aku makan!
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