My favourite is this teddy bear cake for Amber Ann's first birthday ...cantik kan ..kalau aku sure sayang nak potong kek nie ...
and this strawberry short cake besday cake ...cantik kan?

and this series of thomas & friends cake (it is Ian's favourite cartoon!)

and, there was Elmo from The Sasame Street ...

and this one really takes the cake (no pun intended)'s Elena's grandmother's birthday cake ...yang ke berapa tak ingat ....

By the way, all the pictures in this posting are courtesy of Elena ..from her personal photo album...thanks a bunch Moi...
cun cun la cake nye...aku selalunya beli cake dah siap je kat secret recipe ke...baker's cottage ke...tak pernah tempah.
rasa cake tu camne? butter cake ke?
vanilla cream ada, chocolate ada...and if your budget is unlimited, can ask for blueberry, orange, carrot cake, cheesecake etc ..and they will decorate as per your instruction ....
yang biasa2 aje like vanilla and chocolate is about RM30 for 1 kg including the drawings and decoration teddy bear tu, mahal sket lah coz that's nearly 3 kg
cantik sgt yg grandma tue punya. mesti dia suka!
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