Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bali-Day Zero

Hi guys..... I am many things have been happening since i was away yeah...berpinar mata nak bace all the entries..and nak comment lagi...comment tu WAJIB..kah..kah..kah....

To Misha sayang...congratulations for being chosen as the judge...kelas Misha...but next time look for boyfriend mat saleh ok...he..he..boyfriend melayu kan dah ade..:))))
Thank god, bukan ayahanda dan bonda yg dipilih as judges, kalau tak depa dok makan tak bagi verdict pun...

Ejin, I dont think you have to worry about Airell tu...Afi dulu pun lambat jalan 1 year 3 mths....dia pun dulu macam cakap lah...alhamdulillah sekarang ok ajer...

Akak ...happy sangat...FRESH dari kekusutan kerja...dasat punya bahasa ni...holidays are always good , regardless lah kat mana kiter pergi...

We and Duan..had mixed feeling about our vacation there were so many natural disasters have been happening around Asia...first was the earthquake in BAli itself, then typhoon in Philippines, then another earthquake in fact the day before departure, we had our serious talking whether to cancel our trip...duit tu satu hal, tapi the waiting for the last 6 mths tu...mmg traumatised ...kah..kah..kah...ajal maut di tangan there we were in Bali for 3 days.......

Ni gaya menunggu kat heroes...

yg ironic nya, we tot we chose a place with less mat saleh...sekali tengok we are the only family yg bersawo matang,...and while having my spa treatment, the beautician told me that the recent earthquuake in Bali happened in Nusa Dua...the area we stayed....punya lah nganga aku dibuatnya...

I am not sure about you guys, but being 30 sth ni....3 hour flight KL -Bali pun tak terdaya rase nya...cant imagine our flight to UK dulu 14 hours....


fendifid said...

Caya la kak long...Selamat kembali.
Yang penting korang happy. Nanti post gambar banyak sikit (kalau ada la...memandangkan korang takde digicam...apakah???)

Liz Duan said...

sedap mulut kutuk aku yer...

Ejin said...

welcome back kak long ....rasa lama benar tak beremel ..sebab si aet kan selalu tenggelam timbul, si fend selalu busy (or ngular) ...heheheh