In the office today.....
A dear friend:"kau tak sedih ke?"
Aku: "Tak pun...kah...kah"
A dear friend: "engkau suka ye????"
Aku:"tak jugak...biase biase ajer"
A dear friend:" kau ni .....mesti lah sedih...kau ingat tak dulu mase sekolah kite buat karangan-aku sebuah kereta"...kesian kete tu...
Duan was like berbelah bagi sell or not to sell-sedih katanya....
for those who dont know-we are like ambassador for CITROEN tanpa gaji.....
as for me as i said earlier ...i dont really mind ( coz i got what i want already..he..he..he..).
My stand on cars is always Senang di hati Duan, senanglah di hati kite...tak yah semak kan kepala....
So this morning, before leaving the house..( i was the one who handover the car to the new owner)....Duan did his last check...and silent good bye kot....
while taking the pictures below...i asked him to buat lah muka sedih for the blog (dah kata sedih sgt kan)......senyum pulak jadi nya......
To Mr ZX, thank you for serving us and hopefully your new owner will enjoy riding you as much as we did or more....Adios.

ahh.. lak aku baca!!! a week before posa- aku bid farewell to mesin basuh arwah Emak. Aku sedekah kan kat surau blkng umah. Yg lawaknya- masa org surau dtg nak amik- ayaq mata ni x leh cover la plak!! X ler menitis, tp berkaca2 ler kot coz mamat tu ckp kat aku "akak, klu nak guna lg- x per lah.." ishh..x pasal2 aku kena explain yg mesin tu arwah mak pnya. He's so sweet coz dia kata" aaa.. x per lah, akak rilek2 dulu, kang ptg sket saya dtg amik!!" Well.. i guess smth things do have d sentimental values kot...
kak long dah dapat yang baru...dia tak heran la dgn yang ni.
aku sentimental ngan kasut and handbeg mostly...hehehe
i can understand sentimental value of the mesin basuh....kalau kasut dgn handbags, akak tak boleh nak relate lah ejin....for me lah they come with fashion, still in u stay- dah habis zaman out lah....teruk kan aku ni ...gitu lah
actually same goes with my tudung lah baju kurung lah ...aku akan bagi orang aje...i have friends yg simpan baju zaman uni...ade sentimental value atau apa lah.....amazing...
hahahaha ..kak long takde perasaan sungguh! Sure tak pernah buat karangan "aku sepasang kasut" masa sekolah
sentimental value ye. hmm...
try this... sekaki payung.
back in 1997, a student broke my payung...i was so upset & sad that even though he apologized profusely, i refused to talk to or looked at him for a week!!!
(becoz payung tu mak yg bagi masa memule masuk keje...)
mak aii...mard takut nya aku kah..kah..kah...
eeee...trauma la korang ni.
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