Dream comes true. Today we had our dinner at Rainforest Sunway. Finally we got the food that we have been craving for. Everyone was contented. A simple word to describe - "marvellous". We ended up ordering four plates of this - luscious Fettucinne Cabonara.

Sangat sangat Satanem.

Pineapple fried rice.

wah..sepertinya enak sekali, 4 sehat 5 sempurna...
wahhhhhh sedap lah fend ...this is a amust place kalau aku pi nanti ..aiyoo, kata aritu bora ombak kan??? choices choices ...
aku nak balik kl pun tak tahu bila lagi lah nak ke rainforest tu ...jauh pulak tu kat sunway kan...cari tempat around damansara aje..rainforest tu ade satu aje ke??? tak de branch?
branch kat klcc tak sesedap sunway kata fendi .....
baik aku ckp awal2 ....sunway tu mmg sedap!
he..he..he...aku kan kurang adventurous compared to fendfid "couple remaja"
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